I Love You So Much

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Barry glanced at his boyfriend who was sleeping beside him. He was happy to see that Oliver was sleeping, and not running around as Starling's hero.

Barry carefully got up out of the bed, pleased when the bed didn't creak and Oliver didn't get up. He crept out of the room, and into their living room. He squinted as the light shone brightly through the large window. He relaxed a little once he was out of the bedroom, and started cooking breakfast.

Barry used his speed to help cook the breakfast, in hopes of managing to serve it to Oliver in bed. It was their six month anniversary, and Barry, being the romantic he is, wanted it to be special. So of course, in his eyes that meant waking up at the crack of dawn (something Barry hated doing) on a Sunday to make a beautiful breakfast for him and his partner.

Oliver was already awake, as he noticed the lack of Barry's constant heat beside him, but knew that Barry was probably trying to be romantic and didn't want to ruin it for his boyfriend. Oliver loved the speedster with his whole heart, and was considering proposing, he had gone over his plan with Thea, who was rather excited for what she dubbed the 'Olivarry' wedding.

The timer dinged in the kitchen, signifying that the food was done, Barry put the food on a tray and walked into the bedroom. A smile was spread along his face as he walked in, and Oliver looked up at him. Instantly the room lit up, because that was just what Barry did, that and that there was literal light radiating off of Barry but, besides the point. Oliver didn't really mind the lightning that was surrounding Barry, he was used to it, ever since Barry had come out of the Speed force, his lightning had apparently been way more in touch with his emotions, and Oliver thought it was adorable.

Barry sat down on the bed, and placed the tray in between him and Oliver. "Mhmm, looks good babe." Oliver whispered, kissing Barry on the forehead. Barry laughed, "Well I would hope so, I spent an hour making it, and you know I hate waking up early." Oliver nodded, and smiled, Barry made him endlessly happy. Oliver grabbed a fork and scooped some of the eggs, and ate them. "Well, then, good thing they taste good." Oliver added, as he swallowed the delicious scrambled eggs. Barry's smile widened, and he too grabbed a fork and started to eat. 

After finishing breakfast, Barry's phone rang. Barry groaned and got up to take the call. "Yes, Barry here." He said as he brought the phone to his ear. Oliver couldn't tell what was said over the phone but Barry's smile faltered. "Yes, sir, I'll be there in... two minutes, I was heading in that direction anyway." Barry grabbed his coat off the hook, and turned to Oliver, "Sorry, I'll be back soon, there's a body just off of 5th Street." Oliver nodded in understanding, and got up to kiss his boyfriend.

Then Barry's orange lightning filled the room, and the speedster was gone. Oliver shook his head fondly, and grabbed the breakfast tray. Their apartment truly was beautiful, and Oliver couldn't thank Thea enough for finding it. The window perfectly framed Starling's skyline, and was close to the "Arrow Cave".

An hour passed, and a small ding echoed from Oliver's phone. Oliver picked it up off the counter and entered the password, and clicked on his boyfriend's contact. 

Barry ⚡: I'll be back in 5.

Ollie 🏹 : Okay see u then

-Read 8:38 AM-

Oliver stashed his phone in his pocket, and went on his laptop to check the statistics for Queen Consolidated.

Without warning, Barry zoomed in, his orange lightning radiating off him. "Hey babe!" Barry exclaimed. Oliver stood up and hugged his boyfriend, then pulled away to kiss him. "I missed you." Oliver said simply. Barry smiled and remarked, "Come on, it was only an hour, it's better than back to back cases all day." Oliver nodded in agreement, whenever Barry went to work in the mornings Oliver was left feeling ungrounded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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