I Will Wait

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Five months later.

Barry groaned, sitting up straight in the chair.

Sunlight shines onto the hospital bed and equipment.

"Morning Ollie." Barry said out of instinct.

Barry frowned, remembering Oliver is still not awake.

Did you expect an answer, Barr? 

"No Seb... I just... I want things to be normal- for once." Barry replied.

Barry turned to Oliver and whispered, "I will wait."

Barry sat for a few more minutes, mainly arguing with Sebastian, who wanted to get breakfast.

Eventually though, Barry agreed and hesitantly grabbed his coat as he left.

"So Seb... Do you think you'll get invited to the next Dalton reunion?" Barry asked, walking into Jitters.

Honestly? No, unless they rebuilt Dalton this past year I don't think there will be one at all.

Now sitting Barry nodded, as he was drinking his coffee and couldn't respond verbally.

Oh well, maybe I'll look at the Warbler Facebook page tonight.

"Yeah Seb, you should do that." Barry advised, nodding his head.

Barry sat in peace for a few more minutes before a familiar group of people walked in....

"Is that... Twink?" Santana asked in disbelief.

"Seb, handle this." Barry whispered discreetly.

"The one and only." Sebastian said walking up to the New Directions, smirking.

Kurt wrapped his arm around Blaine protectively.

"Oh chill, Lady Hummel. I'm a taken man." Sebastian remarked, realising the man's obvious protectiveness.

"Sebastian Smythe sticking to one man? Impossible." Santana mocked.

"Well believe it or not, people change." Sebastian replied snarkily.

Some more than others.

The New Directions just walked away, continuing their conversation while Blaine grabbed coffees.

Sebastian smirked, and walked out of Jitters.


"Where's Barry?" Felicity asked.

"I don't know, I haven't been tracking him." John replied.

"Thanks for the idea John." Felicity said before tapping away at her computer.

"Central City Park." Felicity said, before grabbing her coat and walking into the elevator.

After a hour long drive she arrived at the park and spent some time searching for the speedster.

With no luck after twenty minutes, she gave up and sat on a bench in hopes of spotting him.

Not long after sitting down she spotted a group of rowdy guys in expensive, like really expensive, clothes all gathered around a picnic table.


Sebastian's POV~ 1 hour and 30 minutes before

I walked out of Jitters rather happy, I hadn't seen the new directions since I set up Blaine and Kurt so it was a nice 'reunion'.

I downed the last of the mocha Barry had ordered, although I was disappointed with the missing Courvoisier.

Jitters was nice, but not nearly as nice as his favorite coffee shop in Paris.

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