Trouble in Star City

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"Any other reason for coming over?" Barry asked Oliver. He hoped there was something else. 

Love? Barry was bisexual, but he wasn't sure if Oliver was straight or not.

God, you're pathetic. Ask him out. If he says no, you've got your answer. If he says yes... Well damn we struck gold! Barry scoffed. 

Oliver gave him a look.

"What was that?" Oliver asked, very confused.

"Nothing." Barry said quickly.

Oliver was obviously still suspicious, but he let it go. He seemed worried though.

That made Barry blush more.

"Well I have to go home, get some sleep." Oliver said, walking to the door.

You're letting him leave.... Now's your only chance. What are you doing Barry? Ask him out.

"Shut up!" Barry said, a little too loud.

Oliver came back towards Barry.

"What's wrong Barry? And don't say "nothing", you're not okay." Oliver demanded an answer.

Barry just shook his head, and avoided eye contact with Oliver.

"Barry... I can't help if you won't let me." Oliver sounded worried with those words.

"Go away Ollie. I don't need your fucking help." Barry said coolly.

Oliver flinched at that statement. Barry never cursed. Something was wrong.

But Oliver walked out.


"Guys, something is seriously wrong with Barry!" Oliver called, almost running into the Arrow Cave.

"What do you mean Oliver? He looked fine." John asked.

"He's not himself, trust me. Can you contact STAR Labs, we might need help." Oliver said.

Felicity quickly got to work on her computer.

Oliver walked to a far corner of the bunker and tried calling Barry.


Oliver sighed and sat down with his hands on his face.

"Oliver don't blame yourself." John said, Oliver hadn't heard him come over.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just figure out what's wrong with Barry." Oliver replied.

"I think I've got something! Well, not me, Caitlin found something." Felicity called.

"What?" Oliver said, now beside Felicity.

"This is a recent scan of Barry's brain, there's extra dark matter related activity in his brain. We think he might have been whammied." Felicity explained.

"No, he hasn't been the Flash in weeks. That doesn't add up." Oliver replied.

"Maybe you should get Iris to talk to him." Felicity said.

"Okay, I'll call her." Oliver said, walking away.


"Oliver? What is it?" Iris asked.

"Barry-" Oliver was starting to explain when Iris cut him off.

"What? I'm coming right now! You can explain when I get there." Iris panicked and hung up.

Iris quickly packed a small suitcase, grabbed an extrapolator, and breached into the Arrow Cave.

"That was quick." Oliver said, as Iris jumped out of the breach.

"Are we just letting anyone in here these days?" Rene asked.

"What's wrong with Barry?" Iris asked.

"We don't really know, but he's not himself, I was just over at his apartment." Oliver said.

"Where's his apartment? I'm going to talk with him." Iris said, quick and decisive.

Oliver texted Iris the location, and she ran out of the bunker.


Iris had got to the door, and hesitated.

"Barry? It's Iris, can we talk?" Iris called.

Barry opened the door, he didn't look great.

"Hey Iris. What's up?" Barry asked.

"Oliver called me here, he said you weren't yourself." Iris said, inspecting Barry.

"I'm- I'm fine..." Barry said.

Iris didn't believe him, he was never good at lying.

Get her out of here Barry, we don't need her, or anyone else. The voice coaxed.

"Shut up... Go away, go away..." Barry whispered.

"Barry? Barry..." Iris asked, bringing Barry's face to hers.

Barry turned away, mumbling curse words.

"Barry, this isn't you." Iris said, now very worried.

"I don't need help. Iris." Barry said. He enunciated her name.

"Yes, yes, you do Barry. You're not okay." Iris whispered.

"I'm fine! I don't need you're fucking help! Never have, never will." Barry yelled.

Iris felt tears build up in her eyes.

"Barry..." Iris whispered, before opening a breach to the Arrow Cave

Iris walked out of the breach that had formed in the bunker. Sobbing.

"He's gone. That's not my Barry..." That was all Iris said before she started crying again. But it was enough, the team got the message. Something was terribly wrong with Barry.


Let me talk to my friends.... Sebastian.

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