An Allen and A Smythe

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A/N: Felicity is with Ray Palmer when this chapter happens.

Sebastian... Please. Let me explain, they don't know about highschool. 

"Fine, I'll go back into the hell hole that is your mind." Sebastian shot back.

"Thank you, Sebastian." Barry said gratefully.

Don't expect this whole nice thing to be a normal thing.

Barry just laughed and ran to the Arrow Cave.

Barry went down the elevator and was greeted with multiple weapons in his face.

"Whoa, whoa. Okay, it's Barry." Barry said quickly, trying not to get shot.

It took a second but they settled.

Iris jumped at Barry, pulling him into a hug.

"Now, Bartholomew, what was that?" Iris scolded, Barry winced at his actual name. This was going to be fun.

"Okay, okay. You know how I left for highschool, because of the bullies?" Iris nodded, and the others just gave pitiful looks. "Well, to make sure I wasn't bullied again I changed my name. Sebastian Smythe. I transferred to a prep school in Ohio. Dalton Academy. I made friends, who convinced me to join the choir club, The Warblers. And I did awful things. I-" Barry stopped. He couldn't go any farther with the story.

"Well, when I came back after highschool, I became Barry Allen again. That is until the particle accelerator. When I woke up, I noticed that Sebastian started to show, and he only showed more in emotional situations..." Barry explained. 

Everyone looked at Barry with sorrow.

"Barry, you could have told me and Dad that." Iris replied.

"But could I? I saw how you reacted when I came out as bi. How is this any different? I bullied people, Iris. I almost permanently blinded someone." Barry snapped, a little bit of Sebastian shining through.

With that the team left him alone as he sped away.

That went well.

"Oh shut up, Sebastian." Barry shot back, still running to his apartment.

Someone's angry. Did something not go your way?  Sebastian mocked.

"You know what happened. You asshole." Barry was fuming.

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