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It was a cold winter night, the snow was freshly soft and the wind was frozen. Ajin was the name given to me by the Moon family after they helped me escape death. I was foreign but I was welcomed in by such a noble family. For days I had to be taken care of, fed, clothed, and bathed. I knew that the only way to repay them for their kindness and generosity, I had to stay and serve them as they served me. I was happily content serving the Moon family, but more so serving their only daughter.

I watched Moon Mirin grow up from the age of 11 to the age of 16. While we were a small age gap away from each other, I felt like I had a little sister as she grew up.

Tonight is another snowy winter. As I walk with lady Mirin down the halls of the great Tiger palace, I see all eyes fixate onto her. They can't help but look. She is known as the most beautiful noble lady of all Goyangi kingdom.

"Ajin," her voice is like soothing spring wind in your face, "Do they all have to stare at me like an animal?" She whisperer's to me.

"They can't help it, my lady,"

As we enter the main hall to the throne room, I see Mirin's hands start to shake. I step forward and stop her from moving any further, taking her hands into my own. "My lady, your hands are so cold,"

"Ajin please, don't worry yourself so much over me."

While my lady has no feelings for me, my heart has always longed for her. I am only a servant, a hand maid. It's wrong for two women or even men to love each other. But to me love is love, I could have fallen for anyone of any sex but my lady took my breath away.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be by your side the whole time." I give her a brave smile.

"Alright," she smiles, her hands starting to calm.

I take my place back by her side and follow her as we make our way to the throne room doors.

The great throne room doors, gates to the tiger's den. Bright red doors with golden handles, two large tigers painted to look as if they were watching you. Standing tall with their green eyes following you.

"Noble lady Moon and her hand maid," the guards announce.

The Tiger palace is the home of the second prince, Kim Taehyung. The great cat killer, or also known as Goyangi's tiger tamer. At the age of 14 he killed his first tiger in the forbidden bamboo forest, and then killed another at 16. Thus he was named the great cat killer. For his 19th birthday he was given permission to build his own palace.

However the great prince has another name given to him by the surrounding nobles, black stripe.

The air is cold, the aura surrounding his majesty is frightening, his eyes looking down on us with his hand covering part of his face. His topknot was cut leaving only ear length hair. The rumors were true. They say he went into a fit of rage and cut his own hair off. He wears a black hanbok with gold stitching, his golden handle blade by his side.

Everyone in the room, his servants and advisers all have their heads down. You can see their feeble attempts to act normal, but it's obvious from their excessive shaking, they're terrified. All except for a man with a large scar running down his left eye, standing behind his majesty's throne.

"Lady Moon Mirin," the princes voice is soft like clouded thunder, menacing but tranquil. I quickly follow my lady to stand before his throne and bow on my hands and knees.

"Our fathers say we are to be married,"

"Yes, my lord, I—"

"Who said you could speak?" He shuts her down. I involuntarily jolt from this unexpected reaction. "Yoongi do you remember me saying she could speak?"

"No my lord," the man behind his majesty responds without apprehension.

I look up to see Mirin putting her head down to not further upset him. I take a quick glance at the prince and see a large curve on his face. He enjoys the fear.

"What to do, it seems my future bride is disobedient."

Mirin's breathing starts to quicken, her face full of terror. But his majesty continues to smile, un empathetic to Mirin.


"I am so sorry your majesty, it will never happen again, I promise!" Mirin starts to become shaky once again. I try to breathe calmly but the tension is so heavy in the air.

Dark laughter escapes the prince, he almost seems to want to jump up and down with amusement.

Lady Mirin has to marry this man?

A tiger would be nothing without his black stripes. What many do not know about the great and strong prince is that he himself is a deadly dangerous tiger.

Like an annoyed child done with a new toy, his majesty waves us to be gone. I find his lack of concern for his future bride disheartening. I wanted to believe their could be a chance of her finding happiness in such a luxurious place with a royal. But all hopes of happiness have been overshadowed by the the prince's unpredictable and dangerous personality.

The throne room doors close behind us and I can hear Mirin gasp for air. I've never seen her so distraught, so terrified; her skin turns pale and her pink lips tremble. Before any of the palace servants can see her, I take her hand and rush over to the other side of the palace. I can't have anyone gossiping about this, it would break Mirin's heart.

"I can't do it!" Mirin starts to undo her hair, taking out all the hard work we did to make her look pretty for the prince. "He's as wild and rude as my cousin said!"

There's nothing for me to say to comfort or even ease her pain. Mirin has to marry the prince, and she has to marry him tomorrow.

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