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I wake up in the middle of the night, sweat and tears. I can't sleep on a night like this, my last night with Mirin, the last she'll ever be free. All day I've been hearing gossip from the servants, telling me that the prince is more foul and cruel behind the walls of this great palace. Even the first prince, Kim Namjoon, banished his own brother to enter the main palace in the capital without an explicit invitation.

I'm afraid there will be nothing familiar here, no one to help. This place is a den of enemies. After the two are wed, Mirin must say goodbye to all things related to the Moon family, that includes me. I'm only a hand maid, a servant and a foreigner at that. The prince would never let me serve in the palace.

I look up into the wooden window of my room, the moon is so bright. The cold winter air reminds me still of that night I found my new home. And so it reminds me of my old home, with my brother and father. I would expect the old man to be dead by now, and I can imagine my brother still tending to the farm. It was his greatest joy to take care of those animals. Sometimes I regret leaving, but if I hadn't I would have died living with the abuse my father inflicted on me.

Is this Mirin's fate, to live with someone neglectful and prone to violence, just like me? No, she doesn't deserve such a life. I must do something.

Before the sun rises I must take action, I get up and get dressed. I take all my belongings and put them on a blanket, I tie up all the ends turning it into a bag. I count everything I've ever earned from working for the Moon family and put it in a wooden box.

I put the bag over my shoulder and quietly make my way to the door. With the stealth of a mouse I quickly and quietly make my way to Mirin's room.

Mirin is fast asleep, I quickly start to take out my clothes from the bag for her to change in. "Mirin!" I shake her, "Mirin!"

She wakes up and looks at me confused, "Ajin, what are you doing?"

I look Mirin in the eyes and try my best not to cry, either way, marrying the prince or running away, I'll never see her again. But I would rather see her have a chance.

I take her hand and pull her body forward, landing a gentle kiss on her lips. She's so soft and warm, like Sakura petals.


"My name is not Ajin, my real name is Nakamoto Yayoi. I have a brother, his name is Nakamoto Yuta. He's still in Japan, living on my family farm."

"But, that day in the snow, you said you couldn't remember." Mirin looks at me so shocked and confused. Almost like she's looking at me for the first time.

"I ran away from home, that night I finally made it here. If your family found out I was illegal, they would have sent me back."

"I don't— what are you saying?"

"Mirin listen to me," I grip her hand tightly, "I'm telling you this because you need to leave. My brother will take care of you, he's a farmer, he doesn't make much but he's a good and honest man. You have to go to the port tonight and make your escape!"

Mirin's eyes start to tear up, her lips trembling with fear. "You would risk your life for me, to help me?"

"I would, I am, because I love you."

Mirin looks at me in a way I've never seen before, I couldn't tell if it was fondness or acceptance, it was a mixture. As I waited for her reply, we heard footsteps by the door. I quickly put a hand over my mouth to hide my breathing.

"Captain Min, the parameter is clear." A voice of a guard comes through the door.

"As you were," the man behind the princes throne earlier, I've heard he's the captain of the second prince's guard. Min Yoongi, short black hair and the long scar down his left eye.

He leaves with slow foot steps until they disappear.

"Ajin," Mirin whispers, "When they come for me in the morning and I'm not here they'll have no trouble catching up to me. I can't have you risk so much, they'll kill you for helping me."

"Not if I give you time. It takes half an hour by horseback to get to the ports. Find a Japanese trading ship, they take people if you give them a good amount. When the sun rises they'll leave for Japanese waters. Use the money and get on that boat!"

"How will you stall for time?!"

"For me to know and for you to forget,"

I hand Mirin a paper with my brothers name and a map of where to find him. I've had this map for years wanting to go back, but I'll leave it to her to find my brother. I pray she can make it, but I know she can, she's tough.

Married to the tiger princeWhere stories live. Discover now