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As I wake up I can hear the loud stomping of horse hooves, the galloping piercing my ears making me alert once again. I must have passed out, but I don't remember.

I'm shocked to see around me vibrant colored bedding and the bed itself isn't level to the ground but above it. And around the bed is like a tent of more vibrant colors, colors a servant like myself has only seen on the most beautiful of garments.

Still in an inappropriate state I take a blue blanket from the bed and quickly wrap it around myself. I move the multicolored curtain aside to look out. I immediately gasp, unexpectedly seeing a man, kneeled on the ground seemingly waiting for me.

"Lady Ajin," He bows.

"That's not necessary," I quickly denied him. A bow to me is just wrong, even if I am married to a prince now.

"My lady it is custom," He looks up at me with stern eyes, I find them to be most alluring. But they tell me he himself wouldn't want to bow down to me as well.

The servant is a very beautiful young man, his lips are round and plump like a peach. His features are not of a man but a boy, young and soft; but you can see the apple in his throat and the age of his hands.

"I will be looking after you from now on, everything you will need will be provided in this room by me." So he's the guard to my prison cell.

Of course when I put on Mirin's wedding hanbok, I prepared myself for the worst outcome. Death by hanging, sword, maybe even strangled to death by the prince himself. Being kept alive and kept as a prisoner never crossed my mind. I'm only alive for the sake of the tiger prince to find his original bride, but why?

The Moon noble family is neither rich nor powerful enough to give the prince anything but farms and land. What does he want to gain by marrying Mirin? She is beautiful and intelligent, known around the kingdom only as the most beautiful noble lady, not by the Moon name.

I look at my guard curiously, "What is your name?"


"Your full name,"

"Jimin, Park Jimin,"

I try to think of a way to convince him to tell me something, anything to give me leverage, or even a way to keep Taehyung away from Mirin. Maybe if he found her less valuable he'd let her go, free to live without a target on her back.

"His majesty is out searching for Mirin as we speak, isn't he?"

"That's none of your concern, unless your willing to give up her location,"

"Why does he want Mirin? He could have any noble lady,"

Jimin's eyes glower, "His choices and affairs are none of your concern,"

"It is my concern," I run up to Jimin and lower my knees to the ground looking him eye to eye, "You are loyal to the prince and I am loyal to my lady, I must know what he wants. If you give me that and I know his true purpose then I may be willing to give him what he wants." Please give me something, anything. I clench my fists around my knees, almost begging with my body language.

Jimin seems sympathetic, but his silence gives me less hope. He turns his head away, breaking our close eye contact and lets out a breath.

"All I can say is, the Moon's had a debt to pay and my lord needed a bride."

Before I could pressure him more he stood up off the ground and left. The door sliding shut behind him, cutting off all my chances of more.

"Damn it!" I yell in pure frustration.

What is that man thinking, what is his motive?

Married to the tiger princeWhere stories live. Discover now