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Blood, blood is thick and sickly red. For many years my life was only filled with this crimson, it was a daily taste in my mouth. The beatings and the harsh screams of pure hatred. My father hated me with a passion my brother and I could never understand.

As I look down at the knife I swiped from the kitchens, I can feel the blood pumping within my veins. The heat, the adrenaline, I've never felt so much life and terror.

After Jimin had taken me to the baths my plan of escape was set in motion. I asked him to take me to the kitchen to request for my next meal, I just needed a weapon without any suspicion of a soldier's going missing. A simple cutting knife being lost to the chaos of the kitchen would go unnoticed. 

Night will fall, the shadows will be my shield and the moon my guide. I can do this, just like that night long ago under the dead sakura trees of my farm.

I clench the knife's handle tightly, making my already pale hands ice white. Green and blue veins becoming more clear, I feel like I can almost see them pumping my blood.

"Lady Ajin, your meal," Jimin's voice surprised me, I didn't even hear him open the door.

"Yes, thank you," I take a small silk wrap into my hand and get out of my bed.

With Jimin faced away from me setting up my meal I quickly set the knife aside and take the silk wrap within both hands. I prepare myself for what I'm about to do, and ask kami for forgiveness with what I'm about to do.

I breathe out and wrap the silk around his neck and pull it with all the strength within my body. I cross my hands locking his neck into the silk and pull him towards the bed, his face is red trying to breathe, his hands trying to pull the silk off his neck. I grunt, dragging him, his body heavier with the resistance.

"I'm sorry Jimin," I say as I slam his body against the wood of the bed, I let loose the grip of the silk around his neck.

He immediately gasps for air, coughing as he tries to crawl away, but I know he's too weak to fight back. I take the curtain surrounding the bed and tie his hands up.

"S–Stop," His voice is so fogged, I almost want to cry.

"Goodbye Jimin," I grab the knife I set aside and run to the door sliding it open.


I run out the room and down the hall, the same one Jimin guided me down. The ground is freshly laid with snow, still some falling almost like white petals. I see nothing so I run out into the darkness and pray for my escape to be successful.

Without direction or sense of where I am I use my instinct to guide me. I follow the route Jimin took me down earlier, I sneak by a few soldiers guarding a single room and make it to another part of the palace I haven't seen before.

All my praying must have been heard, there's a gate to the outside, open and ready for me to run through. I feel it's too good to be true, but what is there to lose? I look all around and see nothing to interfere, so I run.

I can see my hot breath becoming vapor in the cold air, my heart pumping. I feel like I could fly. My face lights up seeing the outside trees and the open gravel without walls.

"Woah there," I face plant into a black wall, my whole momentum making me fly back and landing on my back.

I look up in a panic and see Min Yoongi. I sit there on the ground so astonished by his sudden appearance I cant even reach for my weapon.

"Who said you could leave?" He says, mocking me. He pulls out a small hand blade and points it at me, "Get up, time to go back,"

I feel my shock turn into rage, I pull out my knife and stand on my feet. "I refuse,"

Yoongi's eyes frown unamused anymore and takes a stance ready to fight me. He's more experienced than me, bigger than me, and even stronger than me, but there's something he doesn't know about me.

Yoongi charges at me, I don't hesitate, I take my hand and swing it back before throwing the knife forward. It glides through the air towards Yoongi and hits his armed hand, making him drop his weapon.

Yoongi hisses and stops his advance, blood drips onto the white snow. He looks down at his injured hand before looking at me with alarmed eyes.

Without giving any time for him to recover I kick him down and pick up the bloody knife and his blade off the ground, pinning him down with my foot.

After many years of abuse and boredom my brother taught me how to play ball games. Then that turned into throwing, I gradually learned how to throw and aim to hit anything. Everyday I would practice, setting up chopped wood and throwing daggers my brother eventually bought me for my birthday. I used those skills to entertain at markets and festivals. I saved up all that money from my skills to run away, here.

"Let me go,"

"What a surprise,"

I look up to see the prince leaning on the wall by the gate, what's he doing here?

The sound of men and horses come flooding from all directions and all towards us. 

Before I know it I'm surrounded.

I move away from Yoongi and drop my weapons in defeat. My stomach is in knots, my heart is heavy and dropped. I can feel my mouth filling up with hot saliva, I want to vomit. My eyes are itchy with tears being flooded to them.

"Take her to my room, I'll deal with my wife myself." 

Married to the tiger princeWhere stories live. Discover now