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Days have passed locked away in this room I now call prison.

The door slides open for the fourth time today, Jimin coming in and out bringing me different things from clothes to food. I don't know what's happening outside of these walls, but I constantly hear the loud horse shoes stomping on the grounds.

I can only guess that the guard around here just became even more insane because of Mirin's escape, and they won't allow it to happen again. He won't let it happen again.

I have not seen or spoken to the prince since the ceremony, sometimes I can feel his hand in my hair. The strength he held me with, the cold steel of his blade, it haunts me. Every time I hear the door sliding open, I fear he will be there ready to spill my blood.

Jimin is my only company, we exchange small words, but without those small interactions I would have gone insane.

"I've come to take you to the baths." Jimin says as he takes out new clothes for me and some oils for hair.

"What, why?" I ask, wondering why I'm being taken out of the room for a bath when Jimin has brought hot water for me to clean myself before.

He doesn't answer and opens the door, waiting for me to walk ahead of him. I gulp, wondering if this is some kind of trick. I look into his eyes as I walk out the door, the first time I've set foot out of that room; and I can feel a cool breeze from down the hall.

"Come," Jimin takes my arm and starts to guide me out of the building.

My dwelling seems to be separate from the main palace, a small back house with no connective corridor to the palace at all. It really is a prison.

Jimin takes me through a small court yard to an outside walkway to another part of the palace I haven't seen before. Its halls are not inside surrounded by walls, only the room doors stand between the in and outside.

The familiar sound of stomping hooves catch our attention, a man wearing all black riding towards us. He seems like a soldier, his black hair long enough to be put up into a small topknot; with band around his forehead. There's subtle cuts on his cheek and brows; I'm surprised to even see ink on his hand, usually meaning 'criminal' where I come from.

"Jimin," His voice isn't low, but it's catching. "I need to speak with you," He almost sounds desperate.

Jimin makes a sour, spiteful face and looks away, taking my arm once again and taking me down the outside hall.

"Jimin!" The soldier leaps off his horse's back, his boots making a loud thud on the wood. "Talk, now," his voice becomes rigid, demanding. These two have some type of history, I'm curious and intrigued.

"Can't you see I'm busy, I have my own orders to follow, Jungkook!"

"So that's it, you say all those things to me and run away?!"

"Shut up!" Jimin's face turns bright red, his eyes tearing up. He looks at me and tries to be serious, but it's too obvious this man Jungkook has gotten to him. "Wait here and don't move, we'll be watching you."

Jimin and Jungkook both go into the middle of the courtyard, far enough for me to not hear whatever spat they're having. Lover? Or maybe old friends? I'm not sure.

I breathe in and out just happy I get more time outside in the cold fresh air. There's not much snow or even clouds today, it almost feels like spring is close.

"Have you found her?"

I hear a familiar voice, deep and dangerous, Kim Taehyung. It's faint coming from around the corner Jimin and I just came from. He must have been in one of the rooms.

"No, we haven't found anyone who's seen her either. It's like she disappeared,"

Thats captain Min Yoongi, I touch my cheek like I can still feel the sting of when he slapped me.

I put my back onto the doors and slowly make my way to the corner, making sure Jimin isn't looking my way. I need to hear this.

"And the Japanese woman?"

"It seems she asks more questions than answers them,"

"She's a smart, cunning bitch. If Mirin isn't found by the end of next week we'll start ringing her out, for now keep her locked up."

They're still trying to find her. I was right, but what else, there has to be more.

"My lord, what about the king?"

"Jin is too weak, he's left everything to Namjoon. If our spies in the main and Dragon palace are accurate he won't find a bride any time soon. We need to move fast."

Jin? Is that the king? Kim Seokjin, eldest brother turned king when late King Junseok passed away. Junseok died 6 years ago, leaving his eldest son to be king, but Seokjin was so sickly everyone knew his reign would be short lived.

But why are both princes trying to find a bride? Was it the king's orders, or maybe some type of political power play? Taehyung is banned from entering the main palace; everyone knows that, by his own brother as well, Kim Namjoon. Is Taehyung trying to get back into the king's good graces, finding a noble lady as a bride?

Jimin said the Moon's owe Taehyung a debt, from his reputation among the nobles, no one but a debuted family would give up a bride. So Mirin is his only option, Mirin is an easy target for him.

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