The Maxis Family

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Samantha was a young girl from Germany. Her father was named Ludvig Maxis. Samantha had all she needed in life until her mother died. Soon Maxis started to date a girl named Sophia. Samantha hated her with all of her heart.

"Daddy,I'm hungry!"said Samantha.
"Well,I was about to go get something from the store. Sophia,can you watch Samantha for me?"asked Maxis.
"Yes,darling,"said Sophia.
Maxis walked out of the house.
"What is that?"asked Sophia.
"Zat,my teddy?"asked Samantha.
"Yes,that.Why do you keep that old torn up thing?"asked Sophia.
"It's teddy! He's my favorite toy!"said Samantha.
"Give it here,"said Sophia.
"Ok,zut be careful! He's a bear!"said Samantha,who then made a chomping noise.
Sophia held it by one arm and threw it behind her.
"TEDDY!!!"yelled Samantha.
Samantha ran after the toy,but was then tripped by Sophia.
"You know,I told your dad that I didn't like kids,but he didn't care. I guess that your mother was a fool,"said Sophia.
Samantha felt a fire burn inside of her head. She wanted to kill Sophia.
Samantha jumped onto the couch and started to put her hands around Sophia's neck and started to choke her. It didn't work. Sophia flung Samantha around the couch and onto the hard floor.
"A fool,"said Sophia.
Samantha wiped a tear from her eye and ran upstairs with her teddy.

Samantha had a very close relationship with her father. One day he bought her a dog,although it held a dark secret.

"Oh,Samantha,guess what I got you!"said Maxis.
Samantha ran downstairs and saw the dog in front of her.
"Zow,Daddy! I love her already!"said Samantha.
"Just remember to feed and water her everyday. She's going to have puppies soon,"said Maxis.
"PUPPIES?! CAN WE KEEP ZEM?!"asked Samantha.
"We'll see sweety,"said Maxis.
Samantha ran up and gave her father a hug. Then she looked at the collar and saw the 935 sign.
"Daddy,why iz zat zere?"asked Samantha.
"Well... She's sort of Group 935 property,"said Maxis.
"No!"said Samantha,burying her head into the dog's pelt.

Group 935 was an advanced scientific group fixed on helping Germany with the war and researching the human mind. Maxis was the leader of group 935.

Samantha ran through the house,looking for her dog,Fluffy.
"Fluffly! Here girl!"she called out.
The dog was no where to be seen. Her leash was also missing.
"Daddy,why?"asked Samantha sadly.

Samantha soon met her new babysitter/uncle:Edward Richtofen. He seemed to be a nice man until he disappeared.

"Daddy,where is uncle Eddie?"asked Samantha.
"He was foolish and went against my orders and got lost,"said Maxis.

Richtofen suddenly appeared again one day. He was a different man. He was psychotic.

"Uncle Eddie! You're back!"said Samantha.
Richtofen stared down at Samantha and twitched.
"Keep a good eye on her Edward. I'm onto something with the Ray Gun,"said Maxis,who then left.
Samantha went up to Richtofen and pulled on his sleeve.
"Did you miss me,Eddie? Hey,I'm a poet who didn't even know it!"said Samantha.
"Your father stole my work. My sweet,sweet work. He must be punished...."said Richtofen.
"Vhat?"asked Samantha.
"You will be his punishment,"said Richtofen.
Samantha ran to the side of the room and backed away from Richtofen.
"Would you like to meet some friends of mine?"asked Richtofen.
"I guess so..."said Samantha.
Richtofen took Samantha's hand and led her to a room.
"RISE AND SHINE!"he yelled.
Four men popped up from the beds.
"We need more vodka in here,"said one of them.
"Zy,of course,Nikolia!"said Richtofen,who snapped his fingers. An assistant ran off towards the storage.
"Anyway,Samantha,these are my test subjects. One of them iz very zick so you'll be taking over for zim until we get a new subject,"said Richtofen.
"No,wait!"said Samantha.

Samantha was experimented on behind Maxis's back. She never spoke a word about it. Soon Richtofen learned to hate her.
She was finally free after a man named Dempsey took her position.

Samantha was free from Richtofen,but no where close to emotionally ok. Richtofen's tests were on her mind when induced to pain. Sophia was now living in her home.

"SAMANTHA! Grab me a drink!"yelled Sophia.
Samantha was older and more matured. She still held the teddy,even though she was too old for it. She still held onto her toy,the cymbal monkey.
"Get it yourself! You're not my mother!"said Samantha.
"I'm the closest thing you've got!"said Sophia.
"Richtofen's more of a mother to me than you,"said Samantha.

Samantha then lost her dog to an expirement. Fluffy was no longer Fluffy.
"Get her out of here!"yelled Maxis.
"Goodbye,Dr.Maxis,"said Richtofen,teleporting away.
Maxis took Samantha and teleported away.

Edward RichtofenWhere stories live. Discover now