Nacht Der Untoten

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Richtofen woke up his test subjects.
"Everyone up. We're leaving,"he said.
"Why would that be?"asked Takeo.
"Everything is falling apart due to one little girl and a dog. Now the zombies are loose and the element is rampant,"said Richtofen calmly.
The subjects looked at eachother.
"That also means that we get the honor of killing them! THAT MEANS BLOOD!!!"said Richtofen.
He handed them each a pistol. Dempsey held it and aimed at Richtofen.
"Dempshey,I shall always beat you,"he said.
"Would you like to..."
Richtofen interrupted by shooting a bullet right past Dempsey's ear.
"Now zen,let's go!"said Richtofen.

Samantha had no controls over her power. All she could do was watch over the world. Then she caught Richtofen.
"YOU SHALL PAY EDWARD!"she screamed.
Zombies swarmed the MPD.
"NOT NOW,MINIONS!!!"Samantha yelled.

Richtofen and his subjects appeared in a building. There was a plane crashed nearby.
"Welcome to group 935's storage unit! Now zen,we have to get ready! Ze zombies will be here very soon,"said Richtofen.
"Why did you bring us here?"asked Demsey angrily.
"To get away from Der Riese,of course!"said Richtofen.
Everyone looked at one of the windows. A zombie was at it. It started to tear at the barrier.
The zombie fell as Richtofen smiled in pleasure.
"Oh ja,zhe blood...."he said.
"There's something wrong with you,"said Dempsey.
"Hey,who's the only one who knows how to stop zem?"asked Richtofen.

More zombies walked towards the windows.
"It seems that your plan to get away did not work,German,"said Takeo.
"Just shut up and shoot zour damn guns,"said Richtofen.

Samantha started to play with her powers. Although she had no clue how to control them,she started to mess with the zombies.
"DANCE!!!"she screamed as she activated Griphon Station's defenses,shooting at the zombies feet.
The zombies only walked away.

Richtofen forced his knife out of a zombies head and rubbed the knife.
"Oh ze BLOOD!!!"he said.
"Richtofen,give me some cover fire!"yelled Dempsey.
"They are between me and my vodka!"yelled Nikolia.
"Don't worry,Russian,I'll get it!"yelled Richtofen,who ran downstairs. As he ran,he saw a message on the wall.
"Ascend from darkness"

Dempsey ran to a door and opened it. A mysterious box laid there. It had three question marks on it. Zombies started to flood into the room.
"OK,box,you better have something good,"said Dempsey.
Weapons flashed before his eyes until it landed on a specific one. There laid a red futuristic pistol.
"The fuck?"asked Dempsey.
Zombies were near. Dempsey grabbed the gun and blasted them all to pieces.
"Damn,that's hot!"yelled Dempsey.

Takeo ran out of ammo in his BAR and ran down stairs. Dempsey stood there,blasting zombies to little pieces.
"Takeo,you've gotta try this!"said Dempsey.
Takeo went to the box and opened it.
A flamethrower appeared.
"Ama-zing!"said Takeo.

Richtofen picked up the vodka and placed it in his bag.
"Your vodka shall be fine,Russian,"said Richtofen.
Then flames zoomed out one of the rooms.
"They're coming through the walls!"yelled Dempsey.

Everyone stayed put in the final room. The wall started to break as zombies piled in.
"Die,freakbag!"yelled Dempsey.
"Hey,wait....Zat tunnel behind the wall! We can leave zrough there!"said Richtofen.

There were two different ways.
"Takeo,come with me. Demsey and Nikolia,you go zat way,"said Richtofen.

Richtofen and Takeo appeared in a room. The lights were out,but it was day time.
"I can't believe it! We found the hiding place of ze missing group 935 members! Zey crashed and fought ze zombies!"said Richtofen.
"Why is this important?"asked Takeo.
"Because,that's why zere were zombies!"said Richtofen.
"Hey,why the fuck can't we open this door?"
Richtofen and Takeo turned and saw Dempsey and Nikolia behind a door. There was a message on the wall.
"Turn on the power and you will be reunited.
"HE HAS MY VODKA!!!"yelled Nikolia.
Everyone looked out of the windows and saw zombies surrounding the place.
"Why are they here?"asked Takeo.
"This place is a lab. My old lab,"said Richtofen.
(There was 115 on the crashed plane)

Edward RichtofenWhere stories live. Discover now