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Richthofen went to the walls and saw weapons.
"Well,zis is unusual...."he said.
"Just get one and shoot!"said Takeo.
"Now why would we get weapons an a mysterious box? Shall it be explained,or are we just pawns for something bigger?"asked Richtofen.

Samantha watched as the team fought off her zombies.
"Very good,minions! KILL UNCLE EDVARD!!!"
Samantha then noticed something. She could conjure up anything that she wanted.
"Ooo...I like zis! Maybe I can mess with Edvard's box! Hm....Aha! Teddy Bear! Now zen....Aha! My game won't be fair without bullets!"
Outlines of weapons started to appear in the labs.

Dempsey took the M1 off of the wall.
"Aw,if only I could make this fully automated.."
"Hey,don't mess with the Red Army!"said Nikolai as he knifed a zombie.
"Sam!"it yelled.
"Sam?"asked Richtofen from behind the door.
Richtofen then noticed what was happening.
"Zat little girl! She is ze one who is toying with us!"he said.

Richtofen pushed a couch out of the way of the stairs.
"Now who would put this here?"he asked.

"Oooo! I can block them in zer!"said Samantha.

Richtofen then shot the handle to a door and saw the power in the next room.
"Takeo! Come get zis door!"he said.
"The American is already in there,"said Takeo.

Dempsey kicked a zombie back and opened a door. There sat the box.
"Alright!"he said.
"Dempsey! Open ze damn door!"
Dempsey opened the door and ran back to the box.
"I hate you Dempsey. I even hate your eyes,"said Richtofen.
Nikolai drunkedly stumbled in.
"I found*hiccup* vodka in the*hiccup*kitchen..."

The team ran around the place,noticing that it was just one big square.
"Vat? Zat's not how it was when I was last here,"said Richtofen.
"Tee hee hee! BYE BYE!"
Richtofen ran back to the power room and saw Dempsey,face burning with anger. A teddy bear laid in the box.
"I KNEW IT!!! It's Samantha who's doing zis!"said Richtofen.

Zombies wandered Der Riese. The last of the scientists were dead,eaten by their own creations. They tried to play the game,but it was too late. There were too many. Then a bright light came,in a dog appeared. It was on fire,and undead.
As it howled,Samantha appeared next to it.
"Very good,minions! I like vat you have done here....Continue!"
She then disappeared and the zombies continued on their rampage of Der Riese.

Richtofen ran through one of the labs and saw something that he missed. A juggernog machine.
"My soda! It's here! Yes!"
He went up,got out a few marks,and bought one.
"Glorious! Everyone,over here now!"
The others ran in,bringing a trail of zombies.
"Buy a soda! Hurry up!"
"Why will this help us?"asked Takeo.
"Strength,agility,vatever the rest of it iz.... Now zen! DIE!!"
Richtofen pulled out his ray gun and ran at the zombies,leaving little pieces of zombies everywhere.
"Ooooo,blinky lights! Hehe..."said Nikolai.
Richtofen looked over as he put a zombie's arm into his bag.
"Nikolai,don't touch my teleporters! I'm trying to pick up ze parts! Oh ja...ZE PARTS!!!"
"Hey wait,teleporter? I'm no scientist but I think that means that we can get out of here with that,"said Dempsey.
"Oh ja,zat...Ok,lets go!"
Zombies piled in as Richtofen got it ready.
"Hurry up!"said Dempsey.
"I'll leave you behind!"said Richtofen.
The teleported started to teleport everyone,and left Richtofen behind.
"Oh hell no!"
Richtofen set it up again and got away as zombies came in.

Richtofen looked around. He was on the moon.
"Oh no,"he said.
"Nope,nope nope!"
Zombies started to appear.
"Samantha,just leave me alone! Can't we just be friends?"
"You definitely changed from the last time I saw you..."said Richtofen.
Richtofen disappeared.

Edward RichtofenWhere stories live. Discover now