Der Riese:The End of WaW

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Richtofen looked at his feet. He was standing on the testing main frame for the Der Riese teleporters.
"Ok,everyone,we're back! Someone go turn on the power! Nikolia and I shall link ze teleporters!"said Richtofen.
"Where are we?"asked Dempsey.
"Um...the place where I brought you all from,"said Richtofen.
"It looks....different,"said Nikolia.
"Yes,because Samantha got a hold of it. Now zen,get to work!"

Dempsey started to push a locker blocking a door.
"Who put this here?!"he asked.
"You are such a dumb American! It's the litt-le girl!"said Takeo.
"You don't have to be a dick about it,"said Dempsey.
Takeo pulled out his sword and started to chop the heads off of zombies.
"I take your honor!"said Takeo.
"Um..GRAB A GUN!!"yelled Dempsey.
As Takeo finished the last zombie fog surrounded the place. Lightning hit the ground,and a dog appeared. Takeo lunged at it but was knocked to the ground. Dempsey stopped moving the locker and grabbed a hold of the dog. It's flame burnt his hand,but he didn't care. He took out his Ray gun and blasted it into multiple pieces.
"You alright,Takeo?"asked Dempsey.
"I'm fine,stupid American."

Richtofen wipped out his Wundawaffe and blasted the last dog. As it died a bright light came from it. A gold ammo holder appeared in front of him. He grabbed it and he was gifted with a full reload.
"A gift from Sam? BUT WHY?!"

Dempsey opened a door and saw a giant teleporter.
"Takeo,link it! I'm going to grab this gun...."
Dempsey grabbed the gun off of the wall. It was a Type 100.
"Alright,this'll go great with my MG!"

Nikolai drunkedly stumbled outside with a long trail of zombies following.
"Oh fuck off,"he said as a zombie smacked his back.
The long line of zombies went down as Richtofen jumped down from a balcony. As he jumped down he saw the power.
"Nikolai,power!"said Richtofen.
Nikolai pulled the lever.

Takeo was shocked as the teleporter kicked back on. Dempsey went over,rolled his eyes,and linked the teleporter.

Richtofen went to the next teleporter while the others went to the one on the far end. As he walked he saw Maxis's office.
"Damn you,Maxis."said Richtofen.

As Dempsey linked the last teleporter,he saw lightning and dogs,at the same time as zombies.
"Not cool!"he said.
A dog pounced at him and he took his knife out.
"Come at me!!!"
As the dog tackled him zombies sprinted closer.
The dog flopped down onto Dempsey.
"I only did that because I want to be the one to rip out your heart!"said Richtofen.
"Heart touching."said Dempsey.

Nikolai stumbled up to the main frame and saw a machine. It glowed brightly.
"Oh,maybe it's a cooler!"
Nikolai tripped over the mainframe and his PPSH went into the machine.
Nikolai quickly ran over and grabbed the gun. It shines brightly.
"Fuck,that's bright!"yelled Nikolai.
Zombies neared as he held the gun. Nikolai opened fire. Lasers came out of the gun.
"Woah! I'm so drunk that I went to the future!"he said.

Richtofen went to the machine.
"Ze pack a punch!"
He quickly put the wundawaffe into it and blasted away the zombies nearby with his MG. The gun popped out of the pack a punch machine and he held it.
"Oh ja....NO ITS MINE!!"
Richtofen watched as a red beam went from zombie to zombie.
"You can't withstand ze power of ze wundawaffe!"

All four of the men stood at the teleported as zombies stormed nearer and nearer. Richtofen blasted a horde of zombies. As he hit them,the blast hit the teleporter. It made a loud noise and started to make more noises.
"Ooo,fun!"said Nikolai.
"No!"yelled Richtofen as Nikolai disappeared in the teleporter.The others then jumped in as zombies neared.
"No!"yelled Sam.

Edward RichtofenWhere stories live. Discover now