Kino Der Toten

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Richtofen and his team disappeared from existence. Sam had no choice but to wait it out until they appeared again.

Germany lost as they were pushed in on both sides by the Russians,Americans,and British. The war ended soon after America dropped a nuke on Japan. But soon after the Americans defeated Nazi Germany,they found papers. Nazi files dealing with Group 935. They soon found Der Riese and defeated the zombie population there. But with all of the power there,they decided to take back wonder weapons and 115.

The element caused many lab accidents. Zombies started to rise in America. Outbreaks were immediately taken care of after said outbreak broke loose. Zombie labs were set up all over,and two of the main locations were in Nevada and The Pentagon.

Richtofen appeared in a room. There were two staircases that led to the same floor. The others appeared behind him.
"Where the hell are we?"asked Dempsey.
"This is my old presentation theater.... It has been destroyed!!"said Richtofen sadly.
"Is there another teleporter?"asked Takeo.
"Yes,so I can just use my Wundawaffe to get us out when I find it,"said Richtofen.
"Or you can use it on them,"said Nikolia.
Everyone looked over to see zombies slowly creeping in.
"No,I have to save my ammo for the teleporters! I don't know how many times we might have to teleport,"said Richtofen.

The group left the first room as zombies slowly tumbled into the first room.
"Don't vorry about zem. We can out walk them,"said Richtofen.

Nikolia walked into a room. A blue glow came from the corner.
"Woah,the box is now pretty,like fourth wife. Pretty and smelly,weird combo."
Nikolia opened the box. A big gun that was green was in front of him.
"The DG-4!!"said Richtofen.
"What?"asked Nikolia.
"This is the DG-4,or what Maxis called it,the Thundergun,"said Richtofen.
"It fits you,"said Dempsey.
"Eh,as long as I can shoot and drink vodka,I'll take it."

Richtofen walked into a room. His eyes widened as he saw the weapon on the wall.
Richtofen dropped his Thompson and took the weapon.

The team walked onto a stage. They had new weapons and supplies. Dempsey held an RPK and watched as zombies tumbled in.
"They're here!!"he yelled.
All the team held their position as a horde of zombies ran towards them. Nikolai pulled the trigger on his gun and zombies went flying everywhere.
"Alright,that was awesome,"said Dempsey.
Richthofen looked at the teleporter next to them and zapped it.
"Ok,everyone in."
Richtofen appeared in Samantha's old room. There was a toy set with toys of the crew in it.
Dempsey also appeared in Sam's room,but it was bloody and a pile of bloody teddy bears appeared before him.
"Holy FUCK!!!"

Takeo appeared in Richtofen's old lab,and then heard the drill.
Nikolai appeared in a Russian government meeting place. Beside him was a tiny model rocket ship.
"Ooo,I'm bring this..."

The team all suddenly appeared behind a door. The lights went out as they met.
"Oh great..."said Nikolai.

Edward RichtofenWhere stories live. Discover now