Shi No Numa

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Richtofen appeared in a hut. Nikolia had stumbled intoxicatedly onto him,awaking him.
"Zhat? Now where ever could we be?"asked Richtofen.
"Japan,"said Takeo.
Dempsey knifed a zombie in the window.
"I'll deal with them,you two deal with this!"
Dempsey pointed to the barrier blocking the exit.
"Alright Takeo,hurry up!"
Nikolia awoke to a zombie about to chew off his leg.
"Ah! Crawler!"he yelled.
Richtofen ran back in and stomped its head in.
"Yo,Richtofen! You got something weird from the box!"yelled Dempsey.
Richtofen ran down the stairs and saw his favorite weapon.

Sam looked at the box and started to ponder.
"Should I have done zat? Well this damn machine has made me more....Wanting of something...Hmm...I bet zeir skin tastes like chocolate...My lust just can not wait...Vait what? Hm,this thing is messing with me."
Kevin Sherwood:The One

Richtofen sent a beam from one zombie to the next and watched as they all tumbled to the ground.
"Yes! Zis is true power!"
Nikolia could be seen running through the marsh with a hoard of zombies behind him.
"What are we doing here?!"yelled Dempsey.
"We need to find a teleporter!"said Richtofen.
"Over here!"yelled Takeo.
Richtofen zapped the zombies near Nikolia and ran towards the hut with the teleporter. As he ran he saw a meteor in the marsh. An element 115 meteorite. He shook his head and ran. All four of the men were in the teleporter. Zombies started to pile in. Right as Richtofen threw the switch,he saw a slight glimpse of a lightning,and then a Hell Hound taking place were the lightning struck.

Samantha looked at Dr.Groph's dead body. She sent a beam at it,and Groph came back to life. The zombies looked at Groph and ran towards him. Sam stopped them and took him into the either.
"Oh god,what do you what from me?"asked Groph.
"You. I want you. You shall satisfy whatever need this machine has given me...No matter how horrible or how they shall hurt you..."
Groph stepped back,scared.
Sam snapped and a hell hound appeared.
The dog jumped up and tore Groph's head straight off.
Sam then noticed that her need for something was stronger,but what was it? Fun? Maxis? Death? Pleasure? What in the world could it be? Then she noticed it. She wanted to kill Richtofen more than ever. So in conclusion,death. Just lots of more death.

Edward RichtofenWhere stories live. Discover now