|Part Eleven|

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"So that's how you knew his father was in the war," Jaf'ar spoke.

Morgiana and I glanced at each other before rushing forward. We each grabbed one of Jaf'ar's arms and dragged him into my room and across the floor until he dropped down in a pile of cushions.

"You cannot tell him," I said sternly, hands on my hips. "It's one thing if he figures it out for himself, but I want to avoid that if I can."

The floor creaked and I looked over my shoulder to see Rupal standing by my bed. She was trying to finish changing my linens without making too much noise.

"You need to at least tell me enough that I understand why you're doing this. But not so much that I won't be able to resist telling Sinbad," Jaf'ar said. He slowly stood and placed the stationary supplies he was holding on a nearby table.

My heart fluttered anxiously in my chest. Not the warm, fluttery kind, but the panic driven "fight or flight" kind.

I explained everything to Jaf'ar to the best of my ability. Without revealing anything overly personal, I explained the history between Sinbad's father and my own. I told him the tragedies the war caused, and how a short time later Sinbad left in pursuit of a better world. "It feels shameful to tell him what I became when he was able to build a kingdom for himself. Considering we were brought up the same."

Jaf'ar didn't look convinced. Seeing that I had no other bargaining tools to keep him silent, I began to unclip my veil. It gracefully fell to the floor and I turned around. Jaf'ar's breath audibly hitched and I refused to look at his face. I already knew how disgusting the raised, darkened skin looked. I didn't need to see the horrified look in his eyes in addition to the dread I already felt.

A long, silent moment passed before Jaf'ar finally spoke. "I'll do my best to avoid the subject. That being said, I will not lie to him for you. Understand?"

Still not meeting his eyes, I nodded.

"I believe it's time for Miss (Y/N) to be dressed and prepared for tonight's festivities. Please take your leave." Rupal said. Though her words were honeyed, they were still curt and to the point.

Jaf'ar and Morgiana moved to leave, but just before Rupal closed the door Jaf'ar turned back to look at me.

"He already suspects that the two of you have history. He is actively trying to figure out how and where from, so in my opinion it's best you tell him the truth"

My jaw went slack, but before I could answer Rupal gently shoved Jaf'ar out of the room. She leaned against the closed door and pointed to my bed where more clothes were laid out.

I let out a long sigh. "Again?"

She smirked. "Usually the outfit you're wearing now would be fine, but I decided that this one might be more comfortable for you."

She hung it on my faux wall and made herself comfortable on the cushions Jaf'ar was just seated on. I quickly dressed once more.

The ansamble Rupal had chosen was definitely more comfortable than the ones before. The shirt was long sleeved but still cut off just above my bellybutton. The material lacked any gems, sequins or sheer fabrics which was exactly what I preferred. The pants were the same, but had a slit down each side of both legs to allow air flow. I didn't mind, because my scars were all covered.

"Why can't all of my clothes look like this?" I asked.

Rupal twirled a stray lock of her hair. "Because small clothes that show more skin are in fashion, and you refuse to tell anyone that you prefer to be covered up."

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