|Part Three|

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I hobbled my way down the dock, Morgiana walking behind me. Meanwhile, Alibaba and Aladdin packed their things onto the ship waiting to set sail for Sindria.

"Didn't you pack a bag?" Alibaba asked once I set foot on deck.

I glanced between each of my new travel companions. Each one of them had brown bags stuffed full of belongings hanging over their shoulders. I on the other hand, had nothing but the clothes on my back with the addition of the bandages coving my wounds.

"I figured you knew slaves don't get the luxury of a second outfit," I said.

Alibaba looked uncomfortable and I frowned. He obviously didn't pick up on my attempt at dark humour.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I didn't mean for that to sound so harsh."

Aladdin smiled up at me. "Don't worry, Miss! Sindria has all sorts of amazing things to wear! I'm sure Uncle Sin will find you something."

Heat rushed to my face and I could feel the tips of my ears turn red in embarrassment. Aladdin calling me "Miss" sounded so wrong. In the ten years of being deprived of my own freedom, I could count on one hand the amount of people who called me by my first name. Aladdin would be the first and only one to ever address me with such a respectful title.

"Just call me (Y/N)," I mumbled.

His cheerful smile only grew and he ran further into the ship.

"Uncle Sin always throws the best parties! With lots of food, dancing and lots of women with big—"

Alibaba conked Aladdin on the head with his fist. "Don't you dare finish that sentence!"

"Alibaba! Why would you do that?" Aladdin whined, cradling the lump forming on his head.

A soft giggle caught my attention and I turned to see Morgiana laughing next to me.

"How long?" I asked out of the blue.

She didn't need to ask me what I meant. Anyone who had been trafficked into the slave trade were able to share a mutual understanding. No mater how long or short they've known each other.

"Long enough. I've had time to heal. Time to make friends, and so will you."

I didn't respond and slowly made my way over to the two boys who were still squabbling with each other.

"Do we all share a bedchamber or is someone going to show me to my room?"

Even though my question was asked out of genuine curiosity, the two boys seemed taken aback by my bluntness. I mentally cursed myself.

Morgiana touched my arm gingerly. "It's a small ship. Alibaba and Aladdin will bunk together and you and I will share a room."

I nodded and followed her bellow deck, taking my time on the stairs. Even though I already had a week to recover, my body still ached with every movement I made.

"This is our room," Morgiana said as we reached the first heavy, wooden door.

She pushed it open to reveal the most beautifully furnished room I had ever seen. A bed lined both the wall to my right, and the wall to my left, and they were both dressed with vibrantly coloured blankets. Ahead of me and across from the door was a window, revealing waves as they splashed against the boat. The wooden floor was covered with a thick rug with intricate patterns that matched the drapes on the window.

"Wow~" I muttered, running my fingers over the blanket on the bed.

Morgiana threw her bag on the bed opposite of me, flopping down beside it.

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