|Part Seven|

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Sinbad waited patiently outside my room as I changed back into my tunic and oversized pants. The feel of them against my skin was comforting compared to the fancy dress. Then to finish it off, I tied the rope snuggly around my waist.

I exited the room and Sinbad scanned me up and down with his eyes, making me squirm uncomfortably.

"Sorry. These are all I have."

Sinbad shrugged. "They look comfortable. That's all that really matters."

I stayed silent with my head hung, hoping he wouldn't see how red I was.

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" He said, offering me his arm.

Hesitantly, I rested my hand on his forearm. The muscles underneath were strong and firm, flexing with each movement he made.

"We'll start outside. All of my generals are out training, and I'm sure that's where Alibaba, Aladdin and Morgiana are too."

My lips pulled into a frown when he mentioned Morgiana. She seemed less than impressed with me when she left the library earlier. I was probably the last person she wanted to see.

He lead me through the courtyard that was littered with maids, cleaning up the remains of last nights feast. However, it was surprising for me to see them laughing and smiling as they did so. Enjoying their work instead of dreading it.

"You seem surprised," Sinbad said, an amused tone to his voice.

I tried to play it off. "Not surprised, just happy. Your staff seem to really love working for you."

Sinbad lead me through the middle of the crowd, gaining bows from all the women working. A couple even greeted him with "your majesty" before going about their work.

"That's always what I wanted for my country. For the people living here to feel happy and free no matter what task they're doing."

A small smile spread across my lips as we continued to walk.

Once we reached the training grounds, I felt nervous butterflies in my stomach. People of all shapes, sizes and abilities littered the field. From where I stood I could see Alibaba and Sharrkan duelling with swords, but I could also see Morgiana entangled in hand-to-hand combat with another man who I quickly realized was Fanalis.

"I'll properly introduce you to everyone. Every single one of the men and women out here are not only my close friends, but my closest allies too," Sinbad explained.

A large man approached us. His long hair was blue and his chest was broad, but the smile on his face was sweet and welcoming.

"Who's this young lady?" He asked.

"(Y/N), this is Hinahoho. He's from Imuchakk in the Northern Lands. He's one of my oldest friends," Sinbad introduced. "Hinahoho, this is (Y/N). She arrived with Aladdin and crew yesterday."

Hinahoho reached out and gently took my hand. I wanted to tear it away reflexively, but his kind eyes soothed my fears.

"It's great to meet you. Any friend of Alibaba and Aladdin is a good friend of ours. I hope you enjoy yourself."

I nodded shyly. "Thank you."

With one last smile Hinahoho returned to what he was doing, and Sinbad pulled me deeper into the field.

He introduced me to a man named Drakon, who's appearance was striking. We also met a young man named Spartos, who happened to be a young prince himself at one point. Sinbad also introduced me to a young girl named Pisti, who seemed just as excited as I was to have another girl around the palace.

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