|Part Five|

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I stared at myself in the mirror, not believing that the person staring back was me was in fact me.

The dress Ja'far provided was made up of a sleeveless, black bodice covered in glittering, silver gems, as well at a flowy, transparent skirt. I pulled my hair over my shoulder and spun to admire the intricate beading of the bodice, but my gaze landed on the raised, keloid scars that decorated my back.

Out of habit, I reached for my rope and twisted it around my hands as I paced my room.

There was no way I could wear this to the party. Not when I was trying to leave my past behind and create a new life for myself.

A knock echoed through my room and Morgiana peaked her head inside.

"You ready?" She asked.

I didn't answer her, continuing to pace.

"(Y/N)? What happened?" She asked.

"I can't wear this," I frantically spoke. "Someone will see and I don't want anyone to see."

Morgiana grabbed my arm to stop me from moving, and swept away my hair so that she could see what I was taking about.

"We can solve that easily. We'll just get Rupal to grab you a shawl and no one will notice."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

Morgiana nodded. "They'll all be admiring your dress too much to even look."

Rupal entered the room, bowing respectfully as she did so. In her hands was a black scarf.

"I believe this will work perfectly, Miss," she said.

The word "Miss" still made me uncomfortable, but I took the scarf gratefully and wrapped it around my shoulders. I tied it in a knot at the front, letting it hang in the centre of my chest.

"If you ladies are ready, I can lead you down to the party," Rupal spoke.

Morgiana grabbed my hand and walked with me down to the courtyard.

Earlier that day the court yard had been barren. Nothing but green grass decorated with a singular water fountain. Now, it was as if the space had been transformed. Twinkling lights hung above our heads, casting a yellow hue over peoples faces. Tables dressed with white table cloths littered the yard, and on top of them were plates and cutlery made of crystal and silver.

To the left of me was a dance floor. A spot in the grass that was left open for men, women and children a like to dance the night away. Behind them, was a stage with a live band playing upbeat music.

I couldn't find the words to describe what I was seeing.

Morgiana pulled me through the crowds of people to a long table piled high with an assortment of foods, and sitting behind it was none other than Alibaba.

"(Y/N)! You made it!" He cheered, obviously having already had a class of wine.

A man with tan skin, white hair and dazzling, green eyes turned to look at me. A blush worked its way to my cheeks.

"Alibaba!" He said loudly, wrapping an arm around Alibabab's neck. "Who are these pretty ladies?"

I glanced over to see Morgiana also had a pink tinge across her face, her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk.

"You know Morgiana, Sharrkan. And that's (Y/N). She travelled with us from Balbadd."

I bowed in greeting.

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