|Part Two|

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My eyes slowly blinked open and I found myself laying on my stomach on a plush bed. The last place I expected myself to be, and if it weren't for the immense pain radiating through my body, I would have thought I was dead.

"You're awake!"

I glanced up to see a blond boy standing in the doorway of the bedroom, but I didn't answer him. Instead, I tried to push myself up off the bed. The lashes on my back screaming at me to stop the whole way.

"Woah woah!" The blond stuttered, running to my side. "You're no where near healed enough to get up yet!"

I ignored him again, bracing myself with my forearms while I tried to maneuver my legs off the side of the bed.

The blond seemed panicked and unsure of what to do. He ran to the door of the bedroom we were in, and called out to two others.

"Morgiana! Aladdin! She's trying to get up!"

I could hear the stampede of feet running down the hall before two other strangers entered the room.

One was a small boy with vibrant blue hair and a turban wrapped around the top of his head. The other was a girl, who I unexpectedly recognized. Her features were unique and quite obviously Fanalis, making her easy to spot in a crowd. She had been a slave, like me, but fortunately for her she was used in the markets. I was used for more. . . expensive services.

"Miss, you're still hurt. You need to lay down until you're better," the small blue one said.

I stared at him blankly. "There will be repercussions for you helping me. Just let me go, save yourself the trouble."

"It's okay," he said with a sweet smile. "That bad guy won't come looking for you. You're safe with us."

I tried to find a hint of a lie in what he was saying to me, but I couldn't find one.

"Where exactly are we? If we're so safe."

"We're still in Balbadd City," the blond answered. "We'll leave as soon as you're well enough to travel."

I finally lowered myself back onto the plush cushions. "Where to, exactly?"

"Sindria, Miss!" The blue one spoke this time.

I had to hide my face behind a fuzzy pillow to hide my shocked expression. There was no way I could go to Sindria. Not when their king was my childhood friend I hadn't seen since before I was sold into slavery. What would he even think of me now? We both started in the same place, and yet we lived such drastically different lives. 

"What if I decide I don't want to go with you? I don't even know your names."

"I'm Aladdin!" The small one said. "And these are my friends, Alibaba and Morg!"

"Morgiana," she corrected.

Alibaba held up my old, newly red stained book. "We found this with you. King Sinbad is a friend of ours, so if you want to meet him all you have to do is come with us."

I turned my face away from them. "I'm not going. I have no interest in meeting the king."

Alibaba audibly sighed. "I guess you don't have to, but let us at least take care of you before you go off on your own."

I glanced at Aladdin, his sad eyes making my chest clench with guilt.

I turned my face away. "Whatever."

I heard shuffling behind me before the bedroom door shut. However, I could still hear another set of feet in the room.

Turning my head, I saw it was Morgiana.

"What're you still doing in here?"

She laid white wrappings and a bowl of water on the nightstand table. "Redressing your wounds."

"You don't have to," I grumbled.

She didn't answer, but instead began to cut the bandages off my back and legs. She then peeled the cotton off my wounds, the sensation sending waves of pain through my body.

"Sorry," Morgiana mumbled.

I clenched my teeth and tightly gripped the edges of the bed as she dabbed my back with water.

"You know, if you stay here it's only a matter of time before they come after you again."

"Don't you think I know that?" I spat, my pain making my response sound more venomous than I intended.

"Then come with us."

Morgiana pressed her cloth to a particularity tender wound and I groaned. "How exactly did those two afford you anyway? You're a Fanalis, which doesn't go for cheap even if you are just a merchant slave."

Pressing her cloth deeper into my skin, she narrowed her red hued eyes at me. "They didn't buy me. They saved me. The same way they saved you."

She continued to press hard and harder with her cloth until I felt like passing out.

"Okay, I'm sorry!"

She sat back and exchanged her cloth for a few new pieces of cotton. "Good. We plan to leave for Sindria at the end of the week."

I stayed silent and waited as she began to wrap my legs. Then, once she finished, she cleaned up in silence.

She hesitated at the door, turning to me one last time before making her exit. "I know what it's like. Being alone, not feeling safe, not knowing when your next meal will be. Seeing the only people you're close with die or be sold off. I've been there, and I can tell you that Alibaba and Aladdin saved me. Sindria is a place of freedom. Anyone from any background is welcome there. I think it'll be good for you."

I didn't respond and I heard the door shut behind her.

My heart pounded in my chest. I never thought I'd see him again. All I ever thought I'd hear of him would be in the pages of my book. Leaving my imagination to dream up what the country he created would look like. To wonder the kind of man he had become. Yet, here I was. By some twist of fate, I was saved by three strangers who would connect me to the one true friend I ever knew.

I turned my head and moved as close as I could to the candle on my nightstand, blowing it out before resting my head back in the pillow.


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