|Part Twelve|

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For the next week I pretended to be sick so that I could stay hidden in my room. The only person that didn't stay away was Rupal. She continuously tried forcing me to get up and go outside but I was too ashamed. My plan was just to hang tight until the next voyage out of Sindria.

Today when Rupal entered, I was already dressed and sitting at the large desk with the study material Jaf'ar had given me laid out across it.

"Someone wants your permission to come in," she said.

"She can come in," I responded, assuming it was Morgiana that had finally had enough of my seclusion.

I heard footsteps along with the click of the door latch and looked over my shoulder to greet her, but felt my stomach drop when I laid eyes on Sinbad's signature purple hair.

I shot up from my seat and gave a bow. Partly out of respect, but mostly to hide the embarrassment that was more than likely noticeable on my face.

"You don't have to bow," he said. "Take a walk with me."

It wasn't a request. His tone lacked his usual flirtatious charm and was instead low and serious.

I tried to swallow the panicked lump in my throat and followed him as he left my room and eventually made his way out of the palace. He didn't speak, and I made sure to stay a few paces behind him. My hope was that he'd forget I was here at all and I'd be able to slip away. I wasn't so lucky.

We reached a landing that was built into the side of a hill. It had a staircase that descended down into the city it overlooked, and though the view wasn't as breathtaking as the one from the palace, it was beautiful all the same.

Sinbad was silent for a long time, gazing out at the country he built. I couldn't take the silence. Assuming I knew what he brought me out here for, I started the conversation.

"Did Aladdin or one of the others tell you about how they found me?"

Sinbad turned to face me. His expression was impossible to read. "No. I haven't asked and they haven't offered to tell me."

I lifted myself up and sat on the ledge of the landing, wrapping my ankles over the lower rung. "You could probably guess based off what you saw. I was a labour slave in Balbadd, owned by one of more cruel masters."

Sinbad stared at me intently as I spoke. Making sure he heard and understood every word.

"I won't go into detail about the things I was required to do or what it was like, but I had something in my possession that I shouldn't have. I usually hid it well, but my master still found it and brought me out for—" I hesitated a second, "—a whipping." Sindbad hung his head.

"My master left me there. I had accepted that I would either die there, or in my cell from infection or blood loss. Or both. But Aladdin, Alibaba and Morgiana found me. They took me with them and tended to my wounds and promised me they'd take me back to Sindria where I'd be safe."

Sinbad didn't speak or look up at me. I felt as if I made things too dreary and depressing with my story, even if I left out the particularly disturbing parts.

"I obviously already knew about you and the country you created. I was excited to see it for myself."

Sinbad finally looked me in the eyes, a deep frown darkening his handsome features. "How did you know my father fought in the war?"

I was taken aback by the drastic subject change the the bluntness of his question. My mouth hung open as I scavenged my brain for any explanation that would make sense without exposing who I was.

"My father fought in the same war. He wrote letters, and told stories of your father. I'm one of his letters he wrote about how your father had a son the same age as me, and his name was Sinbad." Biting the inside of my cheek, I waited for his response.

A small smile finally returned to his face. "I should have asked you sooner. That all makes sense."

He offered me his arm and I took it shyly before he began to lead us back to the palace.

•     •     •

Dinner took place shortly after we returned. I sat in the same seat I usually did, next to Sinbad. As I ate, Alibaba and Aladdin discussed their upcoming travel plans with him. Their hope was to leave the following morning.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Alibaba asked. If he had posed the question before my conversation with Sinbad, I might have said yes. "We could defeat a djinn," he pressed. He dragged out the word "djinn" as if he was dangling a forbidden fruit in front of my face.

I shook my head. The idea of having a djinn was thrilling, but I had no physical skills to defeat one. The moment I stepped into any dungeon I'd be a dead woman walking.

"That actually wouldn't be a bad idea—" I snapped to look at Sinbad, "—even if you're not the one to defeat the dungeon, a household vessel would be a good tool to have with the upcoming war."

He was completely serious. There wasn't a hint of a joke anywhere in his voice. "But you're also welcome to stay in Sindria. We'll be happy to have you for as long as you like."

I felt his thigh press against me under the table, and I felt shy under his gaze. But before anything more could be said, our food arrived. Bowls of fruit salad topped with heavy cream. On the top, were cubes of juicy mango.

The conversation continued and I completely ignored it. I didn't wait for the others to begin before picking up my fork and digging into my bowl.

Alibaba laughed. "Never get between (Y/N) and a mango. You'll lose a finger!"

The sound of a utensil clattering against the floor caught my attention. Looking up, Sinbad was staring at me with his mouth forming an "o" shape. Feeling self conscious, I placed my fork down and wiped my mouth on my napkin.


My blood ran cold. The sounds around be felt like they were fading away as my heartbeat thrummed in my ears. I hadn't heard that nickname in years, and hearing it now meant my act was up.

Sharrkan leaned forward and pointed at me with his fork. "How much wine have you had? That's (Y/N)."

I stood up suddenly, sending my chair to the floor. Everyone was watching me. I could feel their gazes on my skin, but without speaking a word I headed for the door.

In my haste, I didn't hear the footsteps following behind me.


Hey everyone! Sorry for the long hiatus. Between posting two new stories, my crazy life and planning a wedding I was just too stressed to deal with it.
That being said! I'm back. Updates will be slow for awhile while I get back into the groove of things, but I'll try to update at least every other week.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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