Adharcainn x Salrahn: Typical Monster

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A named Excursor. Nothing more to it. I wasn't interesting, special in any way, had colors most of the species had, and slightly longer tears in my wing. Did you notice that those weren't intentional, but actually from hard fought battles every Salrahn had to fight? With their parents? 2 adults against what was supposed to be 2 teens. It was the way of the generations, killing off some so others can thrive. I had recently gotten out of the battlefield, bleeding terribly. I was supposed to be dead by now. But ... I wasn't? Was that weird? This rarely happened, and when it did they usually died within the water. But now I was was so far away from my home - and my toy Zoocuu. You might be asking what I mean. Salrahn torture creatures just to have a little bit of fun, and of course, I was the same. I couldn't help it! It was rather enjoyable. Usually in the night, my Zoocuu would hide from me. We didn't put the poor thing on a leash; that would be too much.

I sighed, keeping down as I watched the water below me turn a dark red. I loved this color. It reminded me of blood and the screams that alerted me of another successful hunt. But to know I, this time, was the soon-to-be-successful hunt.. that was disturbing. Was this how creatures felt like before they died? I felt perfectly fine, except for the agony. That was very enraging, and it made me want to scream in someone's face and find my Zoocuu before sunset. Right. Stop focusing on the agony, focus on your Zoocuu. In the day, he was usually kept up by my family, but in the night she went to sneak away to some secret place I had yet to know about. Now that I could glance from this angle, I could see many places where he could be. He was called Resarcio. We had learned that after an .. 'interesting' interrogation.

Resarcio was very fidgetty, and was always eyeing the sky. Couldn't blame him. Sometimes, in winter, he wouldn't even come out at all. He ate leftovers, but didn't ever do it around us. The family didn't notice. Most Salrahn just .... didn't care, if that made sense. Ate the local  Minawii? Good for you. Tortured an innocent moonelle? Good for you. Ate our leftovers? GOOD FOR YOU. Well, definitely not according to me.

"Oh.. look what we have here... new prey? A tier 4 too?... oh, lucky me..." a dark, raspy voice chuckled, as I saw gleaming white teeth stained with dark red. Something came out of the shadows. It was smaller than me, sure, but I felt terrified. This was an Adharcaiin, one of the most feared predators of Sonaria. But then again, so was I. I stiffened up and snarled. "Oh? You might as well be my dinner.. I don't have Wisp's Curse!." I pointed out, smirking. "Oh, no, no, no. Not yet, you don't." 

And that really scared me, because I didn't even know what Wisp's curse was. I was just bluffing earlier. What was this thing talking about? "Oh come onn.. you're a Salrahn. You must know what this is.." it said in a slithery voice, smiling even wider. My heart was probably going to stop by the end of this conversation, either from fear it was causing, or it itself.

"What's your name.." he said. "I always need to know my specimens before they perish.." "Now why on Sonaria would I tell you that?" "Oh.. I don't know ... to buy yourself some time to escape?.." he snorted. "I could kill you right now. Why would I need to escape..?" I grinned again, feeling the craze of the night hunt settle upon me. "In  your condition?" it snorted. "Idiot. I say stay down.." "OH-ho-ho! You think a bit of blood matters! No, no, no! NOTHING..will take this chance away from me!!.. My first Adharcaiin meal!" I let myself run free, my inner monster to roam me. "Wh-what are you doing?" "Oh..I thought you would know.." this was too much. I couldn't control it right now. My laughter was not my own. This Adharcainn was not going to die. It was going to suffer.. and it was my fault. Me-who-was-not-myself lunged for the Adharcainn, missing it by an inch. It growled, jumping back and speeding up. Berserk. Time for the real fight. And, we did exactly that.

We continued in what seemed like an endless duel until morning. After the sunrise came, I had stopped fighting. "Like a typical monster," I said to myself "drive everyone away.."

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