Memory Lane

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Lena's POV

Once we reach the downstairs, I search for Jacob. "Jacob!" I yell, still holding Luke's hand tightly. The lights suddenly flicker back on, revealing Jacob holding a smoking easy bake oven. "Sorry if I scared you guys I must've blown a fuse." He says nonchalantly.

"Jesus Jacob you scared the pee out of me." I say exasperated. "Were you really that scared?" He laughs. "Yes I peed!" I yell back laughing.

"Why were you using a easy bake oven?" Luke asks. "Found it on the porch with a note saying "Free" so I decided to give it a try." He says.

"It could have been a bomb!" Luke laughs. Making me laugh as well. His laugh is undeniably cute and contagious. "Why did you scream so loud?" I ask smirking. "Why are you guys holding hands?" He smirks back.

I look down at our intertwined fingers and quickly untangle them. "Touché." I agree.


"So I was thinking," Luke says while stuffing his face with a bag of chips on my floor. "If we're looking for clues, why don't we go straight to where she lived." He states. "You mean go to her house?" I ask in stupidity. I never saw that as an option. I feared ever going back in her house. Too many memories. To many thoughts. Too many feelings. But it's been almost four months now.

He nods. "Yeah." I say. "That's actually a really good idea."

"Did you ever go there before she...." I trail off. "Yeah once. Not for long though." He replies. "What do you think of her parents?" He asks. "Okay don't hate me, but they always creeped me out." I say. He laughs. "I'm glad I wasn't the only one." He says.

He picks up and framed picture on my dresser of me and my family and when I was twelve. "You guys looks so happy together." He smiles. "It took us like a million times to get that right. We couldn't stop fighting about basically everything. We're weren't perfect then or now. It's sucks but, everything's uglier in real life." I say joining him next to the picture.

"You're not." He says quietly. "What?" I reply even though I heard him the first time. "You're not uglier in real life." He says his face getting increasingly closer to mine. "You're just as beautiful as Maya described you." He looks deep into my eyes, almost as if there something in them that he's trying to get a close look at.

I could kiss him right now. Our lips are just a breath apart. But I shouldn't. So I don't. I just look down and the floor awkwardly. "I have to go, but we can to Maya's tomorrow maybe we'll find something." He says filling the silence that had been in the room. "Yeah." I smile. He smiles back, but I can see a slight disappointment in his eyes.


The next day came and finally it was Sunday. I was excited to go to Maya's for the first time since she...left. Luke met me outside and we were walking across the street. "How are we gonna get up to her room to look around?" He asks. I wink. "Just follow my lead." I reply knocking on the door.

It's swings open. "Lena! Luke! I didn't know you two were friends! Please come in!" Her mom Roda, says. "Thank you Mrs. Tricket but we won't be staying long I just realized that I left my journal up in her room." I say. "Oh well you can just go on up and get it." She says.

"I'll bake some scones for y'all." She says as we walk up the stairs.

We walk into her room surrounded by memories of the past. I feel like crying, and smiling at the same time. We start to look for things but there's not much there. Simply her bed, empty droors, and a mirror.

"This place is full of memories, but no clues." Luke sighs. I nod in agreement. We begin walking down that steps when I notice something on the ground. It's a receipt, for a easy bake oven, and who bought it? Maya's dad.

"Luke grab that piece of paper." I whisper. "What?" He asks. "The receipt. Pick it up!" I whisper yell. He snatches it and stuffs it into his pocket. Maya's mom comes out of the kitchen and as we come downstairs. She holds and tray of scones and jam.

"Here you go." She says brighter than ever. She, of all people, seemed the most unfazed by Maya's death. Which always made me curious.

"Thanks. But we really have to go, see you soon!" I say opening the door. Luke grabs three scones and follows behind me. "These are the best scones I've ever had." He says with a full mouth.

I slap the scone out of his hands. "Hey! What was that for?" He asks.

"We have much bigger problems." I simply say.

"Like what? The fact that my scone is now on the street?" He yells grinning.
"No." I roll my eyes playfully.

"That fact that Maya's dad gave Jacob an explosive easy bake oven."

Awwww they're so cute. Yeah so this was a little less filler hope you liked. More clues and cuteness is on its way. Also don't forget to read me other books if u haven't already! Anywayyyy hope you enjoyed!!!!
-Girlonline234 👩 💭 😹

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