Early Morning Swims

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Luke's POV

"Luke get up." Lena says shaking me awake. "Why? It's like 2am." I grunt  with my eyes closed. "I wanna do something together without the other guys around." She says, her upper body hovering above me. I open and my eyes and sit up, "Something like what?"

"Let's go to the pool!" She says excitedly getting out of bed. "May I remind it's March, and cold." I say. "It's indoor pool you stoop." She calls out in the darkness. I sense her persistence, "I don't have a bathing suit."

"Neither do I." She laughs. "What exactly are you suggesting?" I ask with a raised eyebrow and butterflies in my stomach. "Just wear your boxers, it's basically the same thing."

"I don't want to get up." I whine laying back down. She shines her phones flashlight in my eyes, "Now you're awake lets go!" She squeals, jumping up and down. I reluctantly put on a shirt and athletic shorts and follow her outside the room.

I notice she brought two towels and the room key. "I haven't swam in so long!" She grins. "Why are you in such a good mood?" I ask happily. "I had a dream." She says simply. I press the down button and elevator. "Care to elaborate?" I ask as the elevator dings. We step inside and it closes. "It was about you." She her cheeks turn light pink. "So what happened in this dream?" I ask as the elevator opens.

"Nothing much." She grins stepping out. We walk to the pool and Lena immediately takes off her tank top, and Nike shorts. Revealing her matching pink bra and underwear.

I try not to stare, focusing my eyes on everything in the room besides her. "Do you think it's cold?" She asks. I take off my shirt and shorts, "Yeah probably!" I exclaim. "Good." She says turning away. "How is that-" is all I'm able to utter before I'm pushed into the freezing cold water. I stay underwater and try to warm up for a little. "Lena Mary Lane, I swear to god." I announce coming up for the water.

She's laughing so hard that her eyes are squeezed shut. Perfect time to attack. I grab her by the legs and pull her in with me. She screams before hitting the water.

When she come up her hair in laying on top of her face. "Your hair looks like a hat." I laugh. She goes underwater and comes back up quickly, so her hair will go back to normal. "Well your hair looks like it's...wet." She says defiantly. "That's because it is." I say flatly. She rolls her eyes, "Whatever I'm not good at comebacks. Ooh! There's a water fall!"

Lena's POV

I swim over to the waterfall in excitement and jump into it as soon as I get near it. "It really pushes you under when you jump in it." I laugh coming up from the water. I realize then that I'm talking to no one. "Luke?" I laugh. I swim near where we were to go get him. "Alright you can come out now." I roll my eyes, still swimming. But he's nowhere. "Luke! Where are you?!" My voice raises in fear. My stomach starts to turn, as I slowly walk around to the deep end. "Luke!" I call out.

As if on que, I feel warm hands around my waist with force. "Oh my god!" I exclaim turning to face Luke with a devious smirk. "Jesus you scared me." I say slapping him lightly. "Sorry." He whispers. "You know," I bring up, "You could've told me how hot you are shirtless." He laughs. "You didn't ask."

"You know," He says mimicking me, "I didn't expect you to be so spontaneous and reckless."

"I'm not reckless, or spontaneous, I'm just trying to make the best of every moment. Like Maya." I say shyly, looking down at the small ripples in the water. "She'd love to see you following in her footsteps." He whispers. My body starts to throb with heat, when he places his thumb and index finger under my chin to raise my head back up.

We're both treading in the deep in end, and I realize that when he lets go of my waist and I fall underwater. He pulls me by the hand to the shallow end underwater, and places his wet hands on my face as soon as we get there. Cupping my cheeks in his hands and thumbs.

I rest my forehead on his and close my eyes. "You're wonderful, you know that right?" I whisper. He responds by gently placing his lips over mine. His wet mouth, mixed with the dimmed lights and now warm water makes the lustful feeling in my stomach come faster than usual. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist, making me taller. "How does it feel to have to bend down?" Luke giggles, his bottom lip brushing mine. "It's a pain." I mumble connecting our lips once again. "Now you know how I feel." He reminds me.

I roll my eyes and lean back down to his mouth. His lips are like fire on mine, moving fast and lithely. It's like he's trying to convey the passion he feels for me with the kiss. And I'm trying to show it back. And then somehow there's tongues and teeth mixed in to it all.

There's no telling how long this continued. Seconds maybe minutes passed before it ended with my lower lip lodged gently in between his teeth.

The butterflies and fairies were still swirling around in my stomach when he pulled his forehead away from mine. 

"I..um." He starts. His eyes fill with focus and passion. "What?" I ask in curiosity. But immediately regret it, as I start to think about the possibility of him finishing his sentence. "I think, I lo-" Right then, 99.9% sure he's gonna say it, and I'm scared. So do what I always do when I'm scared. I run, but this time not physically. Just mentally so I can change the subject. "Oh my gosh I just remembered that were visiting that house tomorrow. It's probably like 4am we should go back to bed." I smile.

"O-okay. Yeah we should." He says warmly. I feel bad that I didn't let him finish, but I need to think. And I need to be sure. So when we get back to the room, and I'm laying his arms,

It's all I can think about.

Whoops one day late, soooory. IM GOING TO ROWYSO AND I CANT WAIT SOMEONE STOP ME NJKAISJSSOAJSHS. Lena Lena Lena don't be such a scaredy cat amiright
Anywayyyy hope you enjoyed!!!!
-Girlonline234👸 💭 😻

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