Who's There?

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Luke's POV

"It's almost 11!" I call to Michael who is still in bed. "5 more minutes, Valerie." He mumbles pulling the covers over his eyes. I've been trying to wake him up for about an hour now. And while everyone else is almost ready to go, he's still in bed. "Michael if you don't get up, I'm bringing in Lena!" I exclaim exasperated, walking into his room. "Seriously dude, get up." Calum laughs from the bathroom. But it seems he's already fallen back asleep.

"Lena?!" I yell into our room. She emerges seconds later, with a scissors in her eyelashes. "Oh my god!" I say running to her. But she releases the it before I get to her. "What the hell is that thing?" I ask looking at it. Her and Ashton start to laugh, "It's just an eyelash curler, Luke." Ashton says laughing.

"It's cute to see you worried though." Lena adds. "So why did you call me?" She asks curling the other eyelashes. "Michael won't get up." I whine pouting. She frowns playfully and looks at me, putting her arms around me neck and making eye contact with me.

"Aww, is Lukey Pooky saddy waddy?" She mocks in a baby voice. "Just get him up." I reply pecking her lips quickly. "We discussed the no PDA rule!" Ashton yells from the his bed. But he, unlike Michael, is fully dressed and ready to go.

"Give me a second." Lena says leaving the room. She returns with a large mug of water. She walks over to the bed and sits next where Michael is laying. "Michael, honey, we have to leave soon. You need to get up." She sings sweetly. "No." He groans. "Michael come on." She tries again. "5 more minutes." He yawns. "Michael, really we have to go." She says, her voice getting less sweet. "Get away from me, your weird skirt smells bad." He says turning over in the bed so he's not facing her.

I'm about to laugh, when Lena stands up and glares at Michael. "Now it's personal." She growls. And with she splashes the water on Michael making him shriek and sit up quickly. Lena let's out a cackle, and walks over to me. "You're welcome." She smirks, handing me the now empty mug.

"Was that cold?" Ashton laughs. "No!" Michael shakes his head, and gets up with his still shell shocked expression. "It was hot!" He yells running into the bathroom.

Suddenly Lena screams from inside our room. Ashton looks up from his book, "What was-" "Luke!!" Lena suddenly screams. I quickly walk inside to see Lena with her eyes shut and jumping up and down. "Get it off, get it off, get it off!!" She whines still jumping. I'm about to ask what when I notice the various insects crawling all over the back of her skirt. "Get them off!!" She exclaims. "Alright, alright, just stand still." I say stifling a laugh.

With as much control as possible I slowly try to get all the bugs off her skirt. But it's hard since they're literally on her butt. The bugs are small and harmless, resembling little cockroaches.

"Where did these come from?" I ask. "I don't know! I just noticed that they were crawling all over this skirt." She says frantically.

"This is the skirt Piper gave you." I think out loud. "You think she had something to do with this?!" Lena asks shaking her head. "I hope not." I reply. "She seemed like she liked me at dinner. I don't think she did this." Lena says more calmly. Whether she did it or not, I was going to be on Piper's case when we got home.

"Okay they're off." I say when they're finally all in the trash can. "Oh my god thank goodness." She says taking the skirt off, leaving her in nothing but black underwear and the knee socks. "I need change." She nervously laughs walking into the bathroom.

My mind runs wildly as I wait for her to finish. Lena truly is beautiful, inside and out. More outside than I ever knew until yesterday.

I suppose I was slightly carried away almost saying I loved her last night. But I couldn't help it. I can't shake the feeling of wanting to say those words, all the time. They come almost naturally, it's scary.

"Okay, so the bugs smelled like horse crap but I fixed it will febreeze and perfume." Lena says triumphantly. "Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah, why?" I pipe up. "Never mind, you just had a deep expression on you're face." She says putting on her mint green coat. "Probably thinking about you." I smile walking towards her. "Aw, you're cute. I think I like you." Lena giggles kissing my forehead.
"Do you?" I laugh sarcastically.

"Michael are you ready?!" I yell. "Yeah." He yawns emerging from the other bedroom with Ashton and Calum.

"Let's go!" Ashton shouts, walking out the door. "We better stop as Starbucks." Michael says following Ashton out the door. "We will you white girl." Calum laughs until he notices Lena walking side by side with him. "Aren't you a little cold?" He scoffs, referring to her short sleeve shirt and skirt. She rolls her eyes, "Actually I'm just fine, but thanks for your concern." She smirks, walking ahead of him.

"Need some ice for that burn?" I laugh. "Shut up Luke." Calum says. "Dude seriously, you need to chill out, okay? We're here for Maya." I say looking him in the eye. He just nods and walks ahead of me, leaving me feeling bad. Since Lena told me about how he liked her, and felt jealous and all that, I understand his saltiness towards her. I just don't get why he's jealous though, I'm the younger less popular one.


"Shamrock shakes are bae." Michael argues to Ashton. "You just confirmed that you're a white girl." I joke, making us all laugh. "The house is just two blocks away. Are you guys ready?" Lena asks excitedly. "Lena you're her best friend, and Luke was the closest to her. You guys should go alone." Ashton says looking serious. "What? No way! You guys knew her too." Lena argues. "Yeah guys where is this coming from?" I add.

"We talked about it last night. We'll stand by here just in case. You guys should go." Michael assures. "We didn't know her as well as you guys." Calum says with a small smile. Lena smiles back warmly at all of them, "Are you sure?" They all nod. "Alright then I guess we're going, we'll probably be back soon." I speak up.

We stand up and Lena hugs all the guys before we leave the Starbucks and head towards the address. As we near an alleyway, I look at the directions on my phone. "It should be two blocks from-"

I'm stopped when I'm pushed forcefully into the alley next to us. I feel my back against the cold bricks of the alley. Suddenly Lena places her soft lips on mine abruptly. Her hands are on either side of my face as she kisses me harder than usual. There's more force behind her lips, making me have to think quicker than usual. "Promise me that no matter what we find it will be okay?" She whispers, inches away from my mouth.

I cup her cheeks in my hands and kiss her as hard as she kissed me. "I can promise you that no matter what we find, we're going to be fine." I reassure. She smiles and pecks my lips once more time, "Thank you." She says hugging me.

And then it's one of those times, where I want to say it. I want her to say it. I just want to say I love her and have nothing else matter. But instead I just grab her hand and kiss it as we walk out of the alley.

When we finally reach the small town house I can feel Lena's dainty hand squeeze mine in anxiety. "Let's do this." She says looking directly at be door. We walk up the steps and knock at the same time. No one answers for a couple seconds but then footsteps sound, getting closer and closer to the door.

My heart beats harder and harder in time with the footsteps as they get closer to the door. All at once, the door flings open, and my eyes widen.

"Luke? Lena?"

sooooo who's at the door? idkkkk i guess we'll have to see. COMMENT YOUR GUESSES !! anywayyy hope you enjoyed!!

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