Rich Kids

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Lena's POV

The next time I wake up, I hear yelling not to far away from me. I groggily look around to see that I'm in a empty room. "What are you doing Ronaldo?!" I hear Calum yell from the other room. "Hemmings wins again!" Luke cheers, while Michael and Ashton laugh. I walk over to the mirror to fix my hair and reapply my lipstick before walking into the room next to mine. "Hey Lena!" Ashton says without looking at me.

It's then that I notice the controller in Calum and Luke's hands. "You brought a play station?" I narrow my eyes at Luke. "I simply brought the CD containing FIFA15. The hotel already has a play station." He explains with a pouty smile. "GOAL!" Calum yells, interrupting our conversation. "Wow, oh my gosh." Luke says redirecting his gaze to the screen. "Eyes on the prize." Calum laughs.

"I'm hungry let's go eat." Michael says turning the TV off. "Hey!" Calum and Luke say simultaneously. "I'm hungry too." Ashton says. When I hear my stomach growl, I notice it's almost 5 and none of us have had lunch. "I'll go change." I say turning towards the door. "You look fine, let's go." Calum says a little too quickly. The boys start to walk towards the door, so I brush off the comment and follow.

We go to eat at the hotel restaurant and they have a lunch buffet. So naturally  Michael goes straight to it before we even get a table.

"Eat light we're on a budget." Luke jokes. "No it's fine my parents gave me access to their credit card so we'll be fine." I respond. "Wow cool, okay never mind get whatever you want." Luke laughs, making everyone chuckle. Me, Luke and Calum sit down at a table while Michael and Ashton get food, and then we switch. "It must be easy having rich parents, huh Lena?" Calum scoffs. "They aren't really rich." I say a little offended. "I think your Louis Vuitton suitcase and Gucci heels would beg to differ." He says sarcastically. "Calum!" Luke says defending me. I keep my eyes narrowed at Calum. "No it's fine, I'm actually gonna go check out the arcade." I say without looking a Luke.

As I walk away I can hear Luke saying something to Calum but it's honestly the least of my worries. I'm glad Luke stuck up for me, but I'm just kind of pissed that Calum would be so rude. First he said he liked me, and he was hating the world for not showing enough attention to him. But I gave him a pep talk, and genuine one too. And this is what I get in return?

I furiously grab some tea sandwiches out of the buffet and stuff them in my mouth, earning some disapproving looks from random people.

As soon as get to the arcade that's on the site of the hotel, I head straight for the "Dance Dance Revolution". It's always been my favorite since I basically always dominate due to my dance experience.

After a couple rounds alone I notice Luke is walking towards the game. "Get ready to be beat." He says confidently. "You're going down." I laugh narrowing my eyes. The game starts and it's already quite easy. I've played it so many time that the moves come flow like water. Luke on the other hand is spastically stomping from corner to corner trying keep up. As soon I get a look of him, I burst into loud laughter making a few people turn their heads. But I honestly don't care.

As I celebrate my third victory, I decide Luke's had enough and suggest we go back upstairs. "You look beat." I say laughing. "I was just warming up!" He replies laughing. "Yeah okay." I say walking towards where Michael, Calum, and Ashton are standing and talking. "You want go back to the room?" I ask. They nod. Somehow it's gotten to be 9:30.

When we get upstairs Luke and I go into our room and the guys go into theirs. I guess turn down service came because the door the lets us go into each other rooms is closed. I turn my back to open it when I remember the Calum situation keep it closed.

"Sorry about Calum, I don't know what's up with him. Just don't listen to him." Luke says sitting on the edge of the bed. "Do you think I'm a rich brat?" I blurt into the silence. "No! And you're not, I don't know if he's jealous or what but-" I start to feel a more anger towards Calum bubble up inside of me. "He's just jealous of everyone isn't he?! For Gods sake I'm so nice to him! I don't usually give pep talks like one I did in the car, and I thought he was grateful but I guess not. I mean I'm not Mother Teresa or anything, but I'm almost positive that that was some pretty good advice." At this point I'm full ranting and wandering around the room as I speak.

"And I'm not rich! I wear these things because I like them, and I bought them! Not my mom and dad. Me! I worked to jobs last summer to save up for these shoes and this suitcase. Yes, sure, my parents are lawyers and can afford some of the designer clothes I have, but that doesn't mean I'm some spoiled princess or something." The words flow so fast I can't remember what I said after I've said it.

"Sorry." I say to Luke who is wide eyed staring at me. "I've never seen you get angry." He says slightly smiling. "And?" I snap. "It's kind of hot." He responds. I slowly break into a smile which turns into sheepish laughter as he pulls me in for a kiss. "Wait what we're talking about in the beginning of your rant." He asks pulling away from my face. I roll onto the bed and sigh.

I explain to him the awkward conversation me and Calum had on the way here in as much detail as possible. And when I'm done Luke looks slightly heartbroken. "He never told me that  stuff. I didn't know he was ever jealous of me, and I didn't know he liked you." He whispers. "What about the stuff from his childhood?" I ask. "Well I knew his sister had Crohns but not that he felt a neglected like that." He responds. I lace my fingers with his and kiss his hand. "I'm gonna shower." I whisper, seeing he needs some time alone.

I go into the bathroom to shower, take off all my makeup, and put on some pajamas. I decide on not washing my hair, seeing that I did yesterday and it takes a while. When I'm done I walk back into the bedroom and put my bag with toiletries on the desk in the room before plopping down next to Luke.

"That was fas-whoa." He says looking at me wide eyed. "What?" I ask confused. "You look different." His expression still looking surprised. I instantly feel embarrassed and naked. I want to hide under a bed or in a closet so no one ever has to see my naked face. He's stares at me in silence for a couple seconds. I stare back, but I want to cry on the inside, seeing that his expression is so flabbergasted and shocked.

"You're so beautiful." He says finally. My heads snaps to look behind me and make sure he's talking to me. "What?" I ask genuinely confused. "I don't know what you did but somehow you look more beautiful than before." I start giggle like a school girl at his comment, meanwhile my insides are bubbling with confusion.

"Is it the makeup stuff?" He asks like a child. I laugh before answering, "Why would I put on makeup to sleep?" I say sarcastically. He squints as if he's confused and caresses my cheek gently. "You can't tell me I look better without makeup." I say turning my head to put my hair in a pony tail. "You look more like you. I like that." He moves closer to me.

"Your eyes are more twinkly." He says kissing the stop between my eyebrows. "And your skin is softer." He kisses my cheeks. My body is throbbing with want and I can't stop it. "And your lips are-" I stop him there with a kiss that satisfies my hunger for him. He leans forward and kisses me with a new found passion I've never felt from him before. "I don't know how, but you've managed to make me rethink the way I look at myself, for like the fourth time since I've met you. So thank you." He smiles at my comment and kisses me again.

"Cuddle with me?" He asks. "Not until you shower, you stinker." I laugh. He puts a hand on his chest and gasps, "I smell amazing." He dead pans. He walk over to the bathroom and closes the door with a slam, but peeks out just to say, "And that's final."

-Girlonline234 👸 💭 💩

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