The Fosters

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Lena's POV

"So what are you saying?" Luke asks as we arrive at the church. "I'm saying that something is wrong here. Maya's dad gave Jacob a wonky oven, knowing that Jacob would use it and blow a fuse." "But why?" He questions

"That's what we need to figure out." I say getting motivated. I notice Luke intently looking at his phone. "Hello?" I ask. No answer. "Luke!" I snap. "Yeah sorry I have to go." He says without looking me in the eye. "Who was that?" I motion to his phone.

"My brother. I have to head home." He says plainly still not making eye contact. "You have a brother?" I ask.

He vigorously shakes his head. "I said mother." He replies. "No, you said brother." I counter. "Whatever! I have to go home." He says walking towards the open window that I usually climb out of. "I thought your house was eaten by termites." I say to his turned back. "Yeah well, it's better now." He says. "How did you-"

"Jeez Lena I have to go!" His says with a hint of annoyance in his voice. My heart stops. "Maybe we can talk tomorrow." He adds and then is gone out the window.

"Maybe?" I say to the empty room. I feel hurt by just slightest bit of annoyance and exasperation on his face. Me and Luke have hung out everyday since we became friends.

I understand maybe he felt annoyed because I was basically interrogating him. But that's only because he was obviously lying.

It's then that I decide to follow him. I walk out the church door and can still see him in the distance.

As quiet as a mouse, I run so I'm just feet behind him. I silently thank my ballet teacher for teaching me to land with grace and silence. So when I jump, he can't hear me.

Hiding behind every bush, shrub, and tree, I follow him home. Being careful not to make a sound.

When we finally reach his house I duck and roll to the side of the house so I can peek through the the window.

The façade of his home resembles more of a town house than a normal house like mine. It's connected to other homes. Making it look like one huge mansion.

Through the window I see him watching tv and eating more scones that he snagged from Mrs. Tricket. "Sneaky little sneaker." I whisper to myself.

After watching him for about 10 minutes I'm overcome with rage. Why did he walk out and say he had to leave just to go home and eat scones and watch SpongeBob?

But that thought quickly disappears once I notice something surprising. He's not alone. Beside him, laying down vertically, is a little boy. So small the only the very top of his head just peaks out from over the couch.

The little boy starts to move as SpongeBob dances on the television. But the next thing I notice is even more surprising.

The boy, is Indian. The cutest little Indian kid I've ever seen. He can't be more than five. Is that the brother he was pretending not to have? No, it's can't be. He Indian for God's sake.

Suddenly more people inside the house move. A tall red haired girl walks over and plops down next to Luke, handing him a bowl a popcorn. She looks like a teenager 13 or 14. He smiles and grabs a handful while passing it to the little boy.

Boy can eat. First the scones, now the popcorn. Then, a tall, older, black woman enters with a child next to her. She is also black and probably no older than eight. A taller Asian boy comes in behind them. He looks our age, tall, with tan muscular arms that show under his tank top.

They sit down on the couch with the other kids. All of them sit around the tv and talk to each other. Laughing, eating, and watching the tv.

I can't help but think that it's his family. But if it's his family why are they so racially diverse? Asian, Indian, Black, White. Are they all Australian? They have to be, right?

I look at my phone as it starts to buzz and ring loudly. That's when I realize that the window I've been looking through is a crack open.

All of their heads whip around right I as I duck under the window. I bolt across the street behind the house and run to woods while I answer the phone.

"Hello?" I whisper while running. "Mom wants you home." I hear Jacob's voice say. "Yeah I'm coming. Did you know that Maya's dad gave you the easy bake oven?" I ask him. "The wonky one?" He asks. "No the other one." I say rolling my eyes.

He doesn't respond. Apparently sarcasm is hard to understand through the phone. "Yes the wonky one!" I find a tree to hide behind and stand there. "Oh. No, I thought Mom ordered it for you. Then I remembered you're not 12 anymore." He laughs awkwardly. That's what happens when you leave for 5 years. I think to myself.
"Yeah well I-"

"Luke!" I hear a Indian accent say from behind me. "I found her! I found her!" "He yells jumping up and down. "I'll call you back, bye." I say quickly into the phone.

I cover his mouth with my hand. "Shhh. Honey, just turn around and pretend you didn't see me. Please." I beg to the boy. "Can I have that candy bar?" He asks pointing to the one in my jacket pocket. I pull it out and hand it to him. "It's all yours." I reply.

He pulls his hand on his mouth and pretends to zip it closed and throw away the key. I give him a thumbs up and duck behind the nearest bush. "Samir?" I hear Luke call. "I'm in here Lukey!" He yells back. I see him through the bush.

"Where did you get that?" He asks Samir pointing to the candy bar. "I found it!" He replies giggling. "Well mum wants us back inside, so eat it up quick." Luke says giving Samir a nuggie on the head.

They both walk out of the woods I was hiding in.

I take a deep breath and guilt washes over me.

Luke is a foster kid.

Wait whaaaat? Yup. Now yes I know he's not really a foster kid in real life but this is a fanfiction. Emphasis on the fiction😹. So yeah the pic is the house luke lives in. Sorry this was a little long but there was a lot to pack in. Anywayyyy hope you enjoyed!!

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