Meet the Family

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Luke's POV

The choppy guitar riffs of "Jesus Of Suburbia" tell me that it's Monday, and that means school.

After getting my clothes on I go downstairs to eat. "Lukey!" Samir yells running up to me. I don't why but ever since I moved into this house almost two years ago I've always been his favorite. "Hey buddy." I grin patting his head. I walk over to the pantry to the table to see Calum devouring what's left of the cereal.

"Dude! What am I gonna eat?" I ask. He shrugs while smirking and continues eating. I can't be mad though, he's my brother. Piper and Chyna join us in the kitchen along with my mom. Piper wears her hair in the same long two braids she does everyday and Chyna is sporting a tutu and her two signature Afro puffs that mum always gives her. Chyna is mum's only biological daughter.

Piper is Irish. Or Scottish. Something like that. And she dresses like one. She always has some kind of plaid or green on. I used to think it was weird but it's just her thing. Just like band tees are mine. She's only 13 so when she moved here it was probably harder to let go of her culture.

"Okay everyone out! You're gonna miss the bus!" My mom says to everyone. I slip my converse and walk out with Calum.


"So you're seriously looking at Maya's dad as a suspect?" I ask Lena at the lunch table as she flips through the pages of her "Suspect Journal". "Yes! I mean it might seem harsh but we could have some kind of a murder on our hands! Everyone is a suspect." She says all officially. "Even me?" I pout. "Well you were when we first met, but I've let go of that." She smiles. "Good. Anyway what information do you have to make you think this way of Mr. Tricket?" I ask.

"Well obviously the wonky oven. But while Jacob was at that camp, I'm pretty sure so was Mr. Tricket. And I'm pretty sure he thinks Jacob knows he did it." She says. "How-

"Just look at this." She says handing me the computer. It's a virtual version of Jacobs departure slip. But under it is a signature. At first I thought it was Jacob's but now I see its Mr. Tricket's. Maya's dad. "He was the one who signed Jacob out of the camp. He works there." She says. "I know I don't have a lot of details yet, but I think he might have seen Maya there." She says.

"Can I take the computer home tonight?" I ask. She gives me a look. "I won't break it. It's just for investigation, to find out more about her dad." I say. "Fine." She says with a sigh. "C'mon you don't trust me?" I ask playfully.

But her face drops into a sad look, and I realize that I've unintentionally hit a soft spot on her solid exterior. She can't trust me yet. She's been through too much. We've only known each other for about a month now. Even though we talked for the first time the night Maya died.

Silence has undertaken both of us.

She takes a deep breath and smiles again. "Okay I'm coming with you after school to make sure you don't lose it." She smiles before getting up to throw away her lunch as lunchtime is almost over. I smile, but just like when I smiled as she left the church yesterday, and when she pulled away from me in her room, and whenever she disregards the fact that I have feelings for her, it's fake. It's a fake smile. I never used to do that. Smile when I was actually unhappy. But unconsciously I do it now.

She never answered my question.


The final bell rings and class is finally dismissed. At meet Lena at the door. With my backpack on my shoulder and the computer bag on my right side. I trudge through the double door of the school building. We begin walking to my house.

February is finally among us. So the cold air is slightly less cold. We chat about normal things on the way, like the weather. But it's like we've both remembered what almost happened again last night. And what's almost happened a lot recently. And we both avoid any talk of the church or Maya, knowing it will spark memories of what's going on between us.

When we finally reach my house I walk inside and lead Lena to my room. Luckily only Calum is home. For Piper, Samir, Chyna get driven home. Calum is in his room doing something, so he doesn't notice us.

"Cool room." Lena says. Compared to hers it was twice as small and a lot less organized. "I like you're posters." She pipes. "Oh thanks. I'm kind of a band junkie." I say awkwardly.

"Well I don't wanna intrude I-" she starts. "Lena there's no one home and you've been here for literally 5 seconds." I say hoping she doesn't realize Calum is behind the closed door next to my room.

"I know but I have a lot of homework and my mom's been getting pretty pissed when I'm not home on time lately so I'll text you later." She says walking out the door. I follow her down the stairs and to the door. "Is something wrong?"

Her face falls again. The way it did at lunch. Something is wrong. But she won't tell me. I know that much. She pipes up quickly shaking her head. "No, everything is fine. I'll see you tomorrow." She says smiling but from my own experience, I can tell its forced. It's unbelievably forced and fake.

But I just do the same. Fake smile and nod as she walks out the door. I wish I knew what was wrong. I wish she would tell me.

I go back upstairs and open the laptop, searching for information. I press the mail icon and search through emails. It's mostly junk. Target, Nordstrom,...Aerie. A whole bunch of stores. But there's one received August 4th that catches my eye.

Dear Mayra Trickster,
We are pleased to inform you that your efforts to clear your name from the camps history has been successful. We understand that you're living in a neglectful situation at home and we will do anything to help. Since you've let us know the police are already on the case of your parents we've set up arrangements for a Foster House in Delaware. We hope you'll take the opportunity to start over will a new family. Until further notice they'll be your forever family.

Joanne, Mariam Park Services Director.

I gape at the email. So much of it doesn't make sense. Lena needs to see this. I wish she hadn't left. I call her but she answer.

I take a screenshot of email and close the mail app. I log off.

"What did you do Maya?" I ask the air.

But I almost know she hears me. Wherever she is.

Hey sorry this is late I didn't post this yesterday. Maya was a crazy girl wasn't she? Anywayyyy hope you enjoyed!!

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