We're Alright Though

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Luke's POV

I wake up extra early the next morning to get ready. I walk into Calum's room at promptly 6am. He lays there sound asleep on his twin bed. "Calum." I whisper. "Calum." I whisper again. But I still get no response. "Calum!" He jerks awake, he eyes wide. "What?!" He jumps. "What time is it?" He asks groggily. "Six." I respond. "How is it, that yesterday I was waking you up at 1pm and now-"

"I know, I know. But we need to get up early if we want to get to New York at a decent hour." I reply. "Are you even packed?" He says. I hesitate. "Almost, and you should be to. We're leaving the house at 7:50." I say walking out of the room.

After much procrastination, Calum finally got out of bed and packed his bags. I, on the other hand am packed and ready to go at promptly seven forty with my duffel bag, backpack and phone. "Michael and Ashton are almost here." Calum says tripping down the stairs with his duffel bag. "I can't believe there coming!" I say excitedly. "Well I wasn't gonna let you drag me on this trip with your girlfriend, without some friends of my own." He answers. "Yeah you made that clear yesterday." I remember his reaction to me asking him to drive us to New York. "What the hell? Of course not!! I have my own life!" I laugh imitating him from last night. "Okay maybe that's was unnecessary." He gets our coats from the closet. I take my coat, "Thanks again for driving us."

"Okay guys, be safe and you better be at this house Wednesday or I'm calling the police." She laughs. "You have a hotel reservation." She smiles. "You made us a hotel reservation?" I say shocked. "You deserve it, have fun! But not too much fun. I'm always watching." "Oh my god thanks mom!" I say hugging her. "Oh wow I'm really feeling the love over here." Calum says looking out the window. I roll my eyes.

"Bye Lukey!" Samir says running down the stairs followed by Piper and Chyna. "Bye guys I'll be back soon." I say. "Again feeling the love!" Calum laughs. "Group hug!" Chyna yells. We all hug before Piper hands me a box. "It's for Lena." She says. "Oh thanks Piper. Whatever it is I'm sure she'll like it." I smile.

My mom hugs me and Calum again before we walk outside to the car. "I heard it's about to be the coldest week on the year, hope you packed a hat!" I hear Michael yell. "Guys!" I yell to them. I get in the car to see Ashton in the drivers seat and Michael in the passengers. "So I guess you're driving?" Calum asks. "Yeah everyone knows you'd crash on the way."

We all laugh and Ashton makes a U-turn to go to Lena's house. "It's not far from here." I say putting the it into the GPS. "So have you guys been good? Anything new?" Calum asks. "Pretty sure I'm bigger." Michael says. "You mean taller?" I ask confused. "No I mean longer." He smirks. "Oh my god."


Lena's POV

After basically packing all night, I finally have my suitcase a bag at the door. I look in the mirror near my front door and fix my hair. "Jacob I'm leaving soon!" I yell. "Bye Lena!" He says walking towards me. "Be safe and call if you need anything." He says getting my green coat with white fur at the collar out of the closet.

"Hey how'd know I was gonna wear that coat?" I ask taking it from him. "You always wear it with those shoes." He smiles. I hear a honk outside. "They're here." I say looking back at him. I pull the gloves out of my pockets and hug him one more time before going outside. "Hey Luke's girlfriend!" Someone yells. I put my bags in the trunk in get in the backseat. Once I get in I see that Calum is not in fact driving but instead, it's one of Luke's friends that we met at the foster home.

"Oh hi." I say surprised. "Ashton and Michael are coming with us to keep Calum company." Luke explains. I smile and nod. "Is that okay?" Luke asks. "Yeah! Of course! Yeah that's fine." I smile. "Okay we're off!!" Ashton yells hitting the gas.

"Woo it's hot in here." I say taking my coat off. "Oh Lena, Piper got you this." Luke says handing me a box. "Aww cool." I smile and open the paper box. Under the tissue paper in it, is a plaid skirt with pleats in it. "What is it?" Ashton says looking in the rear view mirror. "A plaid skirt." I say laughing. "Wait who is Piper?" Michael asks. "Our Scottish sister." Calum responds. "Oh lol she got you a kilt?" Michael says making me burst into laughter. "Of course you would laugh at that." Luke laughs. "At least Lena laughs at my jokes." Michael says.

"Hey Lena, Calum asked me if anything changed with me since he least saw me, and I saw I think I grew. But can you guess what I really meant?" He asks.

I pretend to scratch my head in confusion even thought I already know the answer. "You meant longer." I laugh. "Oh my gosh how did you know?" Ashton giggles. "I have a brother." I reply. "Lena I love you." Michael says laughing. "I got you." I say nodding at him.

Luke sighs, "How long is the drive?" "2 and half hours so sit tight." Calum laughs. "We'll be alright though." Ashton says. "I have magazines if you guys get bored." I say taking them out of my backpack. "What do you have?" Michael asks. "Um...let's see, Essence, Allure, Seventeen, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Glam-" "Yeah I think I'll just sleep." Michael closes eyes and leans his head against the seat. "Me too." Luke says resting his head on my shoulder. "Me three!" Ashton says happily pulling over.

Calum quietly laughs, "But you're driving." "Jesus can take the wheel." Ashton gets out of the car and opens up the door closest to Calum. "In other words you're driving." He laughs. "Lena can we switch? There's more room back there." Michael asks. "Yeah sure. Luke move your head." I tap his head lightly, but he's dead asleep.

With a small lift of Luke's head of my shoulder, me and Calum both get out of the car on the left side and Ashton and Michael get into the back seat. Ashton on left, Luke in the middle, and Michael on the right. As I'm about to walk around the car when my boot slips in the slush, and as I'm about to fall, Calum catches me. Tango style. His brown eyes stare deep into mine and his face is so close to mine that I can smell the bubble mint gum in his mouth.

I quickly move my head to the side to avoid his gaze, and stand up straight. "Sorry." I laugh nervously. "That's like the 3rd time I've fallen on you." I say playing it off. He laughs lightly, "I'd rather it be you than someone else."

I force a closed lip smile and walk around the car to the passenger side. My mind dwells on what he said though. Once I get inside we sit down in silence. After awhile of reading Essence I look back and see all the boys (Except Calum) are fast asleep. I look back at Calum and we exchange awkward smiles, as he drives. "I guess it's just you and me for awhile." He says quietly. I laugh, "Yeah I guess it is."

"SHES KINDA HOT THO, YEAH SHES KINDA HOT THO." THATS ALL IVE BEEN SINGING ALL DAY OH MY GOD DOWNLOAD IT NOW IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY. Did u catch my lyric reference? Haha haven't done that in a while. About the chapter.......sorry it's kinda of late.WATTPAD DELETED IT 4 TIMES UGHHHH. Btw the pic is skirt Piper gives Lena. Anywayyyy hope you enjoyed!!!

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