Eventful But Signifcant

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Luke's POV

"Yeah I just wanted to know if you had a restaurant here." I say to the guy in the front desk. "There's two." He states back politely, "They're both on the second floor. One serves breakfast and one serves lunch and dinner. Cabana, is breakfast, and Tritulli is the lunch and dinner."

"Oh right. We went to Tritulli yesterday." I say awkwardly remembering and feeling foolish. "Do you want a reservation?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "What? Oh! Yeah I do. For two, at like 7?" I said. "Name?" He asks typing into the computer. "Luke Hemmings." I reply. "Alright, Hemmings reservation for 2. We'll see you then." He says. "Thank-" I stopped mid word, feeling a light tap on my shoulder.

"Luke can we talk?" Calum says quickly. I body filled with anger as my fists clenched. "No." I say, walking away. "Luke! Just let me explain myself!" He says catching up to my pace. "I said no Calum." I growled not looking at him. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, I just-" "You kissed my girlfriend!" I yelled, feeling my heart beat increase. "You kissed my girlfriend." I repeated I said looking him in eye.

"I know I did. I'll never be able to apologize enough but just let me explain." He said looking at me with red eyes. I hope he wasn't crying, I've never seen him cry. Even when Maya passed away. He would just sulk with his head down, or cry in his room where I couldn't see. But I could hear it.

"You have five minutes." I say sitting down on a bench in the middle of the lobby. "I've liked Lena since like Year 8 and I never talked to her until she became your girlfriend. And it made me all jealous because girls always talk about you." He began looking at his hands. "Luke has the nicest hair, and he's so hot." He mimics making me focus more on want he was saying. "I was annoyed and sick of the fact that you got girls and you're younger than me." He explains making eye contact with me.

"So then I went all evil and started hating on Lena which was dumb. I'm sorry for that too. I don't even think about what I was doing, I just did it. It was impulsive and stupid and I'd beat me up if I were you." He finished in one breath.

"Why would you be jealous of me?" Is all I could manage. "I just told you. Girls like you." He says sitting back in the bench. "Maybe some. But I can name a bunch who don't. And I can name more who have asked me about you." I say. He looks at me shocked. "Really?" He asks. I nod, still mad but less. "Dude you'll find a girl who's right for you at some point. Girls dig you, don't worry. But it's not all about girls. You're a good brother with a great personality. That matters more." I say, trying to smile a little. He smiles back. "You're a good brother too." He says. "So can we pretend it didn't happen? Please?" He asks. "I'll try." I say half grinning. And he gives me a hug which I gladly return. Calum is a good brother and my best friend whether he made mistakes or not, and although I don't forgive 100% right now, I still love him.

Lena's POV

"Is the place fancy?" I call from the bathroom. "Kind of." Luke answers from outside. "It's fancy enough that I'm not wearing a t-shirt." He adds laughing. "Luke Hemmings isn't wearing a black t-shirt?!" I called slipping on my thigh high black socks. I hear him laugh. "Alert the police!" I add. "Are you ready, because I have to pee and the reservation is in five minutes." He says obviously closer to the door. 

I look at myself in the mirror, putting my hair over my shoulder and then back behind me shoulder. I can't decide which looks better. "You look fine, come on I'm gonna pee." Luke says as if reading my mind. I giggle and open the door, revealing a very dapper and handsome looking Luke. "Wow." We both simultaneously. His tall stature looked so manly in a blue collared shirt and blazer. "I'd kiss you but then I'd pee on you." He says moving passed me an closing the door. I squeezed my eyes shut and rolled my head with laughter.

The restaurant was pretty fancy. Burgundy walls and big black leather booths filled up the room. We got seated in a circular booth big enough for nine people, but it was cozy.

"Everything sounds so good." Luke says practically drooling. And he was right, from fish to pasta everything sounded amazing. "I'm actually about to marry this menu." He adds. "Have you two decided?" Our blonde and very big breasted server asks coming up to the table. "I'm gonna get the Mac and cheese." I say. "Ugh I can't decide." Luke says laughing.

"What do you recommend?" He asks the waitress. "Well," she began batting her eyelashes in a flirtatious way. "The lobster ravioli is a favorite from the locals." She says. "And I know exactly what I can interest you in for dessert." She adds bending down closer to Luke and exposing her cleavage.

As I considered slapping her for flirting, Luke laughed in her face. "I don't know if you noticed," he began and then looked at me. "But I'm here with my girlfriend." He finished hooking his hand in mine. She scoffed and stood back up, pulling up her low cut shirt. "Anyway I'll have ravioli." He adds. She writes down the order and scurried away quickly.

"I can't believe you did that!" I say grinning from ear to ear. "I can't believe she did that!" He laughs and I kiss his cheek. "She was kinda hot though." He adds joking. I slap his chest playfully. "You know I'm kidding." He grins.

"So did you- did you talk to Calum?" I brought up. He nods looking grim. "We're fine, but I'm still not totally okay with everything." He says. "That's okay. I mean, I still don't completely forgive him either but I have to have a little empathy for his situation." I say. "It's just weird and gross I don't like thinking about it." He says shaking his head. I nod feeling bad for bringing it up and try to think of something to say.

"Well anyway, are those real flowers on your skirt?" He asks. "Yeah my dad ordered these flowers from Germany that never die and stuck them on this skirt." I deadpan. He raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly with a shocked expression. "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not." He says blankly. I laugh, "I am, they're fake."

The night continued like that. Laughing and joking like best friends would. And the waitress never showed back up. (Yay) Me and Luke had never really gone on a "date" before and this one was one we could definitely call a success. "Oh my god." I say looking at the bill. "Mum's paying, remember?" He laughs and put my hands together as if I'm praying. "Thank god." I say.

After charging the bill to the room, we decided to go outside of the hotel and stare at the clouds.

I saw a grassy area that didn't have any melting snow on his when we arrived. We laid down together on the soft grass, examining the cloudy night sky as we did. "This is just like that one time when I had just met you." Luke says. "Yeah, I remember I was so happy just laying there. But I was also really nervous because, I don't know." I say cutting myself off. "Why were you nervous?" he asks moving his head so he was looking me in the eye. "I don't know, I think I was just confused about my feelings  for you." I answer.

He smiles briefly, "So was I." He says looking back up at the sky. "I remember feeling really happy but also really awkward." He says, so close to my face that I can see every detail on his supple face. "Why awkward?" I smirk. "Because you're hot, and I didn't know what to say." He replies moving closer to me. "Please if I were you I'd never feel nervous." I say. "Why not?" He scoffs laughing slightly. "Because you're hot, and you always know what to say." I correct. "I love you." He says instantaneously. "I love you more." I respond with just enough before our lips are connected.

Sound and time simply disappeared as always and I was captured in the magical feeling that seemed new with each kiss. I felt the weight of his ribs on my stomach as the mouth moved vertically against mine. I have never kissed someone, especially Luke while laying on my back. But today I had done it twice. We eventually stopped when we had kissed so much that we rolled into a pile of snow. And despite my snow covered hair and Luke's pink lipstick lips the rest of the guys didn't ask what happened.

"Today was eventful." I say sadly right before we were about to go to bed. "I know." Luke responds getting under the covers. "But I love you." He adds. I smiled, "So we'll go from there."

SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG BUT HERE. WHAT DO U THINk???? Also read Your Bully by Neskys_Clifford_5SOS Its pretty dope.

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