Chapter 1

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My breath shuddered through my lungs as I collapsed on my bed. Thank god it was finally February Vacation. My cellphone buzzed on my rickety nightstand.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey it's Josa!" She said. "Why were you running? I was trying to keep up!"

"I had to get home quick. End of story." I replied. That was partly true. I knew I needed to look after my younger brothers because the babysitter couldn't make it. It would be so much easier if my older sister could stay home instead of hang out with her boyfriend. I could have told Josa that but then she'd ask about my parents. I can't take that chance.

We went on about school and drama like normal teen girls, but no matter what, the vanishing man stood clear in my eyes. I wanted to tell her but of course, who would believe me?

When we were done, I sighed and fell back on my bed. My younger siblings were asleep. I was up until Cara was home and that's when I saw him again.

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