Chapter 10

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    I awoke in a room with perwinkle blue walls. Light fluttered through the window to my right. I lay on a bed with soft yellow sheets. If I were in a different situation, I could be a normal girl living a normal life waking up in a normal room in a normal house. But no. I am an emotional imbalanced girl living the most terrible and twisted life possible and waking up in who knows where in a really pretty room. Yep, thats how it is.

     The white painted door creaks open. I turn my head fast, but then slow as a pounding throb forms. He is wearing a black coat and keeps his head down. I immediately back up in the bed. This guy knocked me out. He kidnapped me!

      "I'm sorry! Let me explain!" He says in a high whisper. He looks up as he says this and I see desperation swirling in his eyes. I back up farther. Who does he think he is? A shudder runs through me as I think of the terrifying experience. Where are Cara and the boys? Do thay know where I am? Where am I?

         Ryan walks over to the bed and sits. My body goes ridged and I try to stay as far away from him as possible.

        "That wasn't me," He says. What the heck? How could it NOT have been him? "Its hard to explain. But I will try to. Just listen." Should I trust him? All e has said so far seems wack, but he did care for me. I am safe now. At least I think so.

           He sighs and then begins. "Every Reviver there is a Killer. If there wasn't there would be overpolutation which is occuring right now. Revivers and Killers used to be their own separate people. Now they have been paired up and made to look genetically alike. Except for one thing. See this?" He shows me his tree tatto. "When I have this, and only this, I am a Reviver. When I have a dragon tattoo I am a Killer. I do not switch out of choice. You're lucky my Revive part of me is stronger than my Killer part. Otherwise, you would be dead." I am silent. I could have died. I could have been killed. I close my eyes feeling relief at how much luck I have. 

              "Then how am I safer with you?" I ask. I was wondewring this for some time.

              "The Killers are searching. They are getting stronger. I am switching more and more often. But I have never killed. I have only revived. I would never kill you. After all, you are a part of the unfinished business I was assigned for." He says.

                "What?" How am I, wait he has TASKS. I am just a...just a task? Ryan sighs.

                "You obviously remember the day your parents left." I shake my head. "Well, I has hanging with my buddy in town. We were really good friends. Anyways, that was the night the Killers began to get stronger. Now my bud,  Ben, was a little bit of a softy. His KIller came out while we were walking to my place. I tried to cal him down, but he was vicious. I saw your mother leave your house. Ben became wild and ran everywhere, slashing. He ended know. When he finally calmed down, he left feeling guilty and ran. Now I had to do as your mother asked and revive her. I didn't figure this out for a few years. I thougt it was my job to find your father, but it didn't go as planned." He talks slowly and understandingly. I watch his lips and facial expressions. He may have a dark situation, but he was truly handsome and brave. I realized I was staring and quickly looked away.

                  "What do you mean it didn't go as planned?" I ask. He  looks at me uncomfortably.

                  "Your father..." He says with much caution. "Is a Killer."

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