Chapter 5

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We are telling them. We are getting rid of them. We are putting them up for adoption. We are telling them about our parents.

"Hi guys," I say as I walk in Mark and John's room. All of them are crowded in. Cara is right behind me.

"We want to tell you," Cara starts, but pauses.

"About your parents," I say. They all nod in unison. They know when something is serious. We sit on their bed and they crowd around us. They are perfectly quiet. Perfectly innocent. Perfectly behaved. Perfect.

"It started when you all were born. When mother and father...uh..." She says, trying to find an appropriate word.

"Began disagreeing with eachother," I say quickly.

"Yea, they were disagreeing about, well, you guys. They fought over what room for you guys to stay in, what clothes, what names, what this and that. Then they got in this big, well, fight. They wouldn't talk to eachother. Dad would stay out late. Mom would tend to you guys, but sometimes she would forget. We took care of you. They both forgot about us. They then only cared about winning their side of the fight. You know Mom, Margret and I have a ... A little emotion problem," Cara says slowly and carefully. They all nod. My turn.

"Mom had her emotions go loose and she couldn't...well... Grasp reality again. Dad wouldn't help her because he was ... Occupied. He also found interest in ... Someone else." I say trying to be as slow and careful as my sister.

"One night, the last night, was the worest. Mom was deep in her funk and Dad was ... Well .... Tired from staying up late. They yelled about who was to take Margret to school tomorrow. It got bad. We couldn't handle it. All four of you started crying. The house became a mess. It was terrible," Cara said.

"We hid you in the basement with us while we waited for it to be over. When it was, we went back upstairs and tucked you to bed," I say. Cara and I share a look.

"As for Mom and Dad, they... They left. Without a trace," Cara completed the story. Silence filled the air again. That terrible silence. The silence before a storm. All of the boys get up and hug us both. We all have tears in our eyes. Then, they did the most incredible thing on earth. Something that broke my heart. Something that made me think they are still to fragile to let go.

They all said thank you.

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