Chapter 7

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I stared the stars for five minutes. I then decided I should head back to the house.

I stood up. My legs ached from sitting on hard pavement. I sighed as I remembered reality again. I began trudging back to the path.

Then I heard footsteps. I swiveled on my heel and saw him walking towards me. Fear riveted through my veins. My heart skipped a beat. He stopped. He did not smile. He did not frown. He just stood there. Blank.

"What did you do to her?" My whisper cut the peaceful silence. I was surprised at my bravery, but showed no sign of it. Maybe it was because of my sister that led me to speak. Maybe not.

"I showed her..." He began, slowly. "I showed her your mother." He muttered. He wore a confused look. This time my heart stopped completely. I am speechless. Every muscle in my body goes slack. Another hundred pound weight on my already heavy back. My mother? Mom? The very person who LEFT us? Who made us have to do EVERYTHING to survive? Who didn't give any of us a chance to live a normal life? Who gave my sister and I the burden that led her to LEAVE us?

"Where is she?" I ask quietly. He looks me straight in the eyes. I am paralyzed. He begins walking toward me. I don't move. I keep my head leaning downwards. He places his arm on me.

"Follow," he whispers. I do.

He leads me up to the broken house. The door is busted open. He leads me up rickety stairs. My heart pounds hard enough to think there is a person it it wanting to get out. As we get to the landing we stroll to a paint chipped door. My head aches from the tension. Am I about to see my mother?

Am I about to see my mom, mother, mommy? Am I?

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