Chapter 6

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In my room I let my emotions go. I should have held them in, but it is impossible! Tears dropped from my eyes with no control. My heart pounded rapidly. An ache throbbed in my chest.

I don't want to let them go. We are a family. Family. We are not splitting up. I am not leaving them like my parents. We survive on love. On eachother.

The tears subside and I watch the darkness turn to an ominous black. My dull light finally sparks out. Silence fills the house again. That dreaded silence.

I need a break from reality. I need a little freedom and peace. I walk to the window where the pane was snapped off from the high winds in a storm years ago. Actually, a couple days after they left us.

I crept my hands under the bronze handle. Wooden splinters poked my hands like tiny men with swords, fighting me to stay inside. I shook my head and lodged the window open.

I hop onto the crisp, evergreen grass. The moon peeks between the trees and illuminates the small backyard. The old swing set lies broken to pieces. Just like my family. I shake my head again. No more thoughts like that. I need to escape for a few minutes.

I step into the woods, my brown slippers protecting my feet from venomous prickles. Branches protrude from trees and trace my arms and legs. I am not leaving forever! Only a few minutes! I never want to leave! I have a whole freakin' family to support!

I make it to the next road. As I step on the moonlit painted pavement, I realize where I am. I stand between the broken halves of an abandoned house. I hear no screeches or screams. Peaceful silence is in the air. Not a dreadful silence, peaceful. I sit cross-legged in the road. The coolness of the road tickles my calves. A tiny breezes whisks by me with no words the tell in my ear. Peace, at last.

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