He Didn't Want To

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Warning: Blood.

Note: Changed the chapter to include a different ending because Pearl the cc is uncomfortable with ships.

Sausage POV

Sausage watched in horror as the dreaded demon rose. Gem stumbled back, blood gushing from her nose. Shrub tried catching her only to break Gem's fall as she was a small gnome. Xornoth waved his hand and the cut the ropes binding Pearl.

"Well done. Child." He said. Joel groaned from across the room.

"Who is this?" Joel asked.

"The demon," answered Katherine, her shaking. Joel nodded his head.

"He finally knows who the demons. He finally knows it's real! I shouldn't be celebrating." Lizzie shouted with excitement and annoyance. Xornoth waved his hand and a tentacle reached out for Lizzie. She cut it with her trident and not a moment later, Joel was out of bed, holding his sword ready to fight.

"Don't you dare lay on a finger on my wife." He yelled. Xornoth shot a red beam on light towards him but Joel reflected it of his blade.

"And don't lay a finger on my husband," Lizzie commanded. They launched into couple attack mode. Lizzie blast Xornoth out side with water while Joel slashed him on his way out. They ran outside along with Scott, who had hatred in his eyes. 

Joey looked torn between the greater good and the love of his life. Then he pulled out his bow and ran outside. "I'm coming Xornoth." Katherine and FWhip raced out to restrain him. The only ones left in the room were him, Pearl, Gem, and Shrub. And one of them wanted to kill them all.

Sausage stumbled back and reached for his sword forgetting that he left it by the door. The door Pearl blocked. Shrub was still taking care of Gem so it was only him. The only things he had on him were a knife, a sunflower, and a steak. He chose the sunflower, hoping it would remind her and snap Pearl out of it.

She took it and looked at him sadly. Sausage had succeeded. But then she pulled out a flint n' steel and lit the flower on fire, dropping it to the floor and watching the ashes burn.  She cackled menacingly.

Pearl, the once kind and loving emperor, was now a murderer. 

Sausage didn't know what had happened. All he knew was that his knife, was now in Pearl's abdomen. Blood was pouring out and the red in Pearl's eyes were flickering on and off. Red, blue, red, blue.

"Sausage," she said, this time her voice real.

"I'm sorry Pearl. I didn't want to."

"Sausage. I'm not mad. Sausage I-I, there's something I found."

"Tell me, quick," Sausage urged.

"In a desert cave, a scroll about Mythland, you're my brother."

"What, Pearl, no, that can't be the last thing you say. No!"

"Goodbye Sausage. I'll see you on the other side." Pearl's body lost its life in Sausage's hands.

"No," he screamed, "No. No. No! Don't die on me Pearl. Pearl. No." He held her body in his arms and wept. While everyone was trying to save the world he was crying over the death of a villain. "You have to save her Gem. I need her back."

"Sausage I can't. The spell is very draining and I technically preformed it twice. One for Jimmy that failed and one for Xornoth."

"She's right," Shrub said.

"Is there another wizard?"

"Sadly, no." Sausage was crying on the inside. But he knew a way to bring her back know. Quickly he took flight towards the Crystal Cliffs and into the Academy. He raced down the halls and rummaged through the chests eventually finding the thing he needed. The Mythland Scythe.

He returned to the Swamp Empire and lifted Pearl's body to the bed. He grabbed two of his wither roses and placed them down.

He calmly said, "I bring back she who is lost, but this spell comes with a cost. A cost of two flowers with limitless power. She is here nigh, their no longer high." He quickly tossed the scythe away and felt drained just as Gem had said. Sausage waited a few agonizing moments until he saw her body move.

"Sausage?" She said.


"Sausage, I think I'm back."


Author's note: The worst thing befell me this chapter. Writers block. But I still think I did well. Anyway, thank's for reading.

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