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Lisa's POV

Today Shane and I are going to go to the pet store. Since I am pregnant, I won't be able to leave our apartment as much. So Shane had an idea we get a dog to keep me company. We were going to get one sooner or later anyway. Later we arrived in the pet store looking at the variety of animals.

Shane's POV

Lisa and I are at the pet store getting a dog. We saw many, but this small brown dog gravitated towards us. When the store owner opened her cage she came straight to us. I was vloging the whole time.

"Oh my goodness. Shane she's so adorable." Lisa looked at me with loving eyes.

"Yea she is."

I went to the owner and asked him a few questions. Next we paid for her and went on our way.

"Have fun with little Chloe!" The owner told us.

"Thank you." Lisa and I said together.

"Let's change her name." We couldn't figure out a good name for her.

"What do you guys think? Leave in the comments on what we should name her."

After that, I said my outro and was ready to put it on my channel later today.

Later we came back after getting our new dog an outfit, bed, and somewhere to pee. I went to the comments on the video and saw one that said unicorn. I thought it was good so I called Lisa in the kitchen.



"What about unicorn for the dog's name?"

"Yes! That's cute! I love it!"

Tomorrow I would make a video over us choosing the name. For now we were tired so we went to bed.


Next Chapter, I'm skipping a few months to speed up the story.

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