Not Again

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Shane's POV

To be a baby, Jasmine is pretty calm throughout her first night home.

Not long after I talked to her, she dozed off.

We decided to do the same thing but in our bed.

I placed Jasmine in her crib just in front of our bed so she wouldn't be alone throughout the night.

I jumped in bed before Lisa did. She got in and snuggled up in my hairy chest with my arm around her waist.

"Love you Shaney." Lisa said her face on my chest.

"I love you more Lisa." I kissed her forehead.

~~~~~Next Day~~~~~

We woke up to the sound of Jasmine crying very hard.

I heard footsteps.

"Lisa. Stay here. I'll go check the apartment."

"Ok be careful though."

I kissed her like the first time I ever kissed her,  just incase something happened.

I searched the whole apartment, all that was left was the closest.

I held a bat ready to hit.

Once i opened it a frying pan went swinging at me. I grunted and yelled "Lisa!" loud enough for her to hear.

The last things I saw were Jasmine in the arms of someone in an all black suit with a medium sized quiff.

After a few seconds, everything I could see was black.

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