Pursuit to find out the truth!

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Xavier's Point of View

"I don't keep friends" she said and walked away.
Well, that was not how I expected our first conversation to go.
When I was ordered to come to New Port I expected to be dealing with some snobby rich girl, but to my surprise based on what I had seen she wasn't that bad.

Aria Summers

Age: 17
Height: 5ft 6 (average)

School: New Port High
Hobbies: Excersizing and sleeping

Enjoys: Nothing
Favorite color/s : black, blue, white and red

Involved in : No school activities
Parents: - plane crash (death) adopted father Sebastien Stella

Age at parents' death: 14
Address: 13th boulevard, Castle Ridge, New Port

Last place subject resided: England's Orphanage and Home for kids.
Age of adoption: 16

Previous countries subject resided: England, France, Kenya, Turks and Cacos Islands, Guatemala

I looked over her file again as I entered my house, throwing my bag on the floor.
I thought her pictures were beautiful but seeing her in person at school, I realized the pictures were lying..she was gorgeous!
A gift sent from heaven.

I went up the stair case, opened my room door and jumped on the bed, suddenly getting lost in my thoughts.

When I entered the classroom this morning, Aria was the first person that caught my attention. There she was, right in front of me, and yet she didn't know what was happening or what was going on behind hidden doors.
Her life was a shit storm and she had no idea about it. It was kinda cute, because I could just imagine the look on her face when she finds out the truth.
I did some more research on her previous orphanage. Aria had gotten kicked out of more than five orphanages in one year, even I was surprised.
Not only was she beautiful, but she was a badass and that alone fascinated me.

This girl just keeps getting more and more interesting, even though I was a bit reluctant to travel here but I'm glad I did.
I want to get to know her, so it would be easier when I tell her the truth about the dangers she's exposed to.

Later that night I ordered take out and turned on the daily news channel.

"Owner of Stella's champagne, vineyard and wine distillery, Sebastien Stella, will now comment." The reporter announced.

Sebastien grabbed the microphone from the reporter and began speaking "As you may have heard, yes, my daughter came across an almost kidnapping or even near death experience. I have already began setting up the latest security cameras and a surround sensor in order to detect movement within or around the household. The detective will tell you more."

He gave the microphone back to the reporter and walked away.

If only she knew the truth about her adoptive father, I still don't know why Sebastien refuses to tell her the truth and lies to her everyday, when she finds out she won't be happy.

....................(ONE DAY AFTER).....

"Are you okay?" I asked my face laced with concern.

Poor girl...I just knew he would do this.
I should've figured out when so I could protect her.
I felt alittle guilty for letting her go through this, I should've figured out Zidane's plan.

"Sure I'm fine" the beautiful girl said and I hesitantly released her hand. I longed to comfort her because I knew just what she was going through, more than anyone...2 years ago I went through the same thing and I had no one to comfort me.

Turns out that even though she looked as if she didn't care, I could tell she was hurting..that mask she had on..I could see right through it and I could understand the pain she was feeling inside.

This girl interested me and I wanted to know more... before I'm ready to make my move. Every single thing I do after this moment depended on how close I can manage to get to her.

This angel hid her feelings and buried them but I can see right through it. I can see through it because I was looking at myself.


Boom!! Just like that
Comment on Xavier's first point of view chapter..what do you think...just a little look inside Xavier's mind and of course no spoilers!

But wait....

Who do you think is Zidane? Of cousre we just got to know that the name of the man who entered Aria's house was Zidane and we now know that Xavier is aware of all this and aware of who Zidane is..but what does he have to do with it and what did he know?

It seemed as though Sebastien didn't know what was going on or did he?

What happened to Xavier 2 years ago?

All these questions still needed an answer.. read the next chapters to find out!

Stay beautiful,

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