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3rd person POV

The clouds began to gather in the sky, merging into a murky grey. The persistent tapping of rain on the window was unsettling, it became a pitter - patter.

The tension was like a cold finger, stroking its way down a spine, growing and infecting with anxiety.

Puddles rippled as the rainfall became heavier.

She ignored the flickering lights in the window, her concentration was focused on the cliffs of which they passed over.

The train vibrated softly but the wheels rattled underneath the carriage, clamouring and clattering like trolley wheels screeching across the concrete in a car park. 

Her concentration was broken when all went dark within the carriage. A lingering smoke had entered the atmosphere, blinding everyone in a blanket of shimmering black dust.

"Wha-", she went to speak, but she was cut off by the platinum blonde boy sat opposite her.

"What just happened? Blaise?", Draco said. Delilah glanced at him, trying to ignore the fact that he interrupted her. She said nothing and bit the inside of her cheek, turning her gaze back to the window.

"Don't know." Blaise replied tensely.

She listened to the chaotic shouts of people through the train car. Bunch of idiots. Panicked voices drown out the low rain patter. Inhaling deeply, she leaned her head against the condensation covered window, it was uncomfortable and cold against the scalp.

She remained in that position nonetheless, not having the energy to move again.

Once again, Delilah glanced over to find Malfoy cautiously eyeing the luggage rack, suspended above her head.

"Relax guys. It's probably just a First Year messing around. Come Draco, sit down, we'll be at Hogwarts soon," Pansy spoke gently.

Delilah didn't think anyone was even listening to Pansy. It seemed like Draco didn't even notice her presence, because he was still eyeing the luggage rack. Eventually, he turned his gaze away from it and towards Matteo.

"Hogwarts", Draco announced in a disgusted tone. "What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I'd pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I thought I had to continue on for another two years", he spoke, lowering his head down to stare meaninglessly at his lap. Delilah and Matteo gave each other a bewildered look, before turning back to examine Malfoy, who was now nervously playing with his hands.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Delilah said in a concerned tone.

"Let's just say I don't think you'll be seeing me wasting my time in Charms Class next year."

Confused, Pansy turned her glance towards Blaise and Matteo, Zabini snorted derisively.

"Amused, Blaise? We'll see just who's laughing in the end."

Blaise smirked whilst shaking his head, he turned to gaze out the window towards the cliffs. Just then, the small bag in the upper rack shifted, catching Malfoy's attention once more. He glared up at the bag in suspicion.

Time passed quickly, and before they knew it, they had arrived.

As the Slytherins made their way towards the exit of the train, Delilah paused to wait for Malfoy, gesturing for him to follow. She sighed as he remained seated.

"You guys go on. I want to check something." Draco spoke. Leaving her no room to argue, she simply nodded and turned to follow the others, abandoning Malfoy alone on the silent train.

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