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{physical violence depicted in this chapter, illegal drugs, misusage etc. viewer discretion}

Delilah's POV

After Pansy practically shoved me out of our dorm, she made her way down the stairs to the common room.

I remained at the top, peering over the balcony to get a birds eye view of the common room.

Crowds of bodies filled the room to the max. The green glow from the Black Lake spilled through the high windows and into the room.

The gloominess mixed with the flashing lights emitting from the party, creating an overwhelming feeling.

As I gazed down, I noticed the placement of sofas and tables were situated the same, but there were bottles and glasses filled with booze and all kinds of substances.

Scanning the room, I caught myself searching for a certain someone.

Catching glimpses of familiar faces, I began to cautiously walk down the stairs.

Fuck, these heels are killing me.

I got to the bottom of the stairs successfully only to be greeted by Phineas who was waiting for me.

"Good evening, Ms Riddle," he joked, bowing slightly before holding out his arm.

"Well, good evening to you too, Mr Avery," I chuckled as I linked my arm in his.

He was wearing a black polo shirt I bought him for his birthday, along with some blue jeans and a pair of simple white trainers.

I suddenly felt very overdressed.

"You look gorgeous Dellie, if it isn't obvious." He grinned before looking around the room.

I was just about to thank him, but I was met with a look of worry in his eyes, and he was scanning the room, searching for someone.

"Phin," I nudged him, as he looked down I saw the fear practically staining his beautiful blue eyes. "Phin, what's wrong?" I asked nervously.

"I need to talk to you."

Now I'm officially worried.

"Okay..," I say slowly, "So talk."

"No, no," he spoke quickly. "Not here."

I looked around the room. It was jam packed with Ravenclaws and slytherins, and there was music playing so loudly that I could barely hear myself think.

"Why?" I asked, not seeing anyone remotely suspicious.

"There's too many ears listening," Phin said, his eyes frantically darting around the room.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing him by the wrist to pull him into the empty stairwell area leading to my dormitory.

I sat down on the cold stone waiting for him.

"Okay so talk," I said. "Cause you're freaking me out now."

"It's about Lorenzo," Phin spoke bluntly, not breaking eye-contact with me.

I laughed derisively. "What about him?"

"Del, it's not funny," his serious tone was unsettling. "He's bad news, I'm not joking."

"How so?" I asked, my interest peaked.

He rolled his eyes in frustration. "How much do you actually know about him?"

"Well, I-" I began to rethink, trying to find the words that won't make me sound like a total gullible idiot.

Phin frowned anxiously, before saying,

Darling ;Lorenzo BerkshireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon