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Delilah's POV

"What?" His eyes widened. "You're Matteos..." Lorenzo trailed off.

"-Sister," I finished his sentence.

Lorenzo made an 'ohh' sound, but his face was plastered with worry.

I sighed, tucking my hands into my pockets awkwardly. I probably should stop mentioning my surname to people, it usually doesn't end on a very positive note. Although, most people recognise the hair and eyes between me and Matteo and put two together.

After the 2nd Year, when the Chamber of Secrets was opened, word spread. After it was revealed that a boy called Tom Riddle was behind it all, rumours went around the whole school saying it was us.

Of course they went digging and found out the rumours were mostly false, apart from the one about us being Tom Riddle's children. That was indeed true.

We were his children, but he died and a monster replaced him.

A monster I have no wish to be associated with.

However, as far as I could tell, this boy infront of me only seems to know who my brother is.

"Yep, sadly," I said, half-mumbling.

I was half expecting him to say something along the lines of "Matteo is a twat." But to my surprise, he laughed and said,

"No way. He's one of my best mates."

"What?" I replied.

I felt like my eyes would fall out of my head if I widened them anymore.

What the actual fuck?

How? How the hell have I never seen you before? I think I would remember if I ever laid eyes on you.

"We've been friends since I was a first year, and he was in second year. He never told me he had any relatives though." Lorenzo stated, taking another hit of his cigarette.

So this guy's in my year?

Matteo, you cheeky bastard.

"Yeah, well-" I trailed off, thinking of something to say.

All of a sudden, the brunette boy went pale with realisation, something clicked in his head.

"Wait-" he said, almost in a whisper. "So you're both, you know who's-".

"Yep." I cut him off, I didn't want to hear it said out loud.


Silence. Dead, utterly uncomfortable silence.

"Can I ask you a question? Matteo never actually answered it, you don't have to answer it though." Lorenzo spoke.

I hesitated.

"Go on," I said carefully.

"Is Bellatrix Lestrange your mother?" He looked genuinely concerned.

"No." I winced, "I don't know where that rumour came from, I think people just assumed."

It would have gone unnoticed, but Lorenzo let out a relieved breath he'd been holding.

"Do you know who she is? Your mother I mean." He questioned.

"Was. She died," I spoke.

"I'm sorry," he replied.

"It's fine, don't worry. She went to school with my father when they were young, but she died shortly after she had me and my brother. Other than that I don't know much about her. " I smile, trying to diffuse the tension of this situation.

Darling ;Lorenzo BerkshireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora