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{viewer discretion is advised... may play into a slight knife kink scene later in the chapter so here's your warning}

Delilah's POV

I peeled open my eyes, drowsy and heavy. My bedsheets were half on the bed, half on the floor. I realised I was still in my clothes from the night before.

Lifting myself up off the bed; onto the rough wood flooring, I shuffled over to the middle of the room. I squinted my eyes, peering around the room, only to notice that Pansy's bed had been unslept in.

I was alarmed when I looked over to see Romani's, my other dorm-mate, bed empty too.

"Fuck," I yelped, running over to my bedside table. I grabbed the digital clock, bringing it closer to my face, so I was able to read the time.

10:10 AM

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I yelled, tripping over things in the dark.

Why the fuck didn't they wake me up?

Potions class started 10 minutes ago. Shit.

Multiple objects clamoured onto the floor, as I navigated my way through the bedroom towards the bathroom, still half asleep.

Tripping over a shampoo bottle, I splashed some water on my face from the sink, and then rubbed my face aggressively with the towel.

I stared into the mirror, my blurred eyesight readjusted slowly. I didn't look as bad as I thought I did. And with that, I sprinted back into the bedroom, shrugging off the night-before clothes at throwing them onto the floor.

I put on my skirt and socks. I then threw on a shirt, I realised it was a bit too tight, but I didn't have enough time to find a bigger one. I grabbed my wand, casting a charm to quickly do my school tie.

"Accio spellbook," I spoke, bringing my Potions textbook into the palm of my hand. 

Then finally pulling my jumper over my head and grabbing my robe, I rushed out of the bedroom, and towards my current lesson.


Lorenzo's POV

10:12 AM

The door swung opened with a loud series of bangs. I tripped into the classroom, my tie undone, as well as my shoe laces.

"Ah good morning," Professor Slughorn exclaimed, "And you're name is?"

"Lorenzo Berkshire, Sir." I replied awkwardly. The entire class was staring.

"Well you're nearly 15 minutes late, Mr Berkshire. Get out your text book please and gather round with the rest of the class."

"Yes, Professor." I spoke lowly, walking over to the table where everyone was gathered.

Slughorn nodded, before turning back around to address the class. "Now, who will volunteer to grab the spare Sopophorous beans from Professor Sprout?" He asked. A few arms shot up around the classroom, eager to get out. "Ah yes, Miss Lotterfield. Go ahead."

"Psst," Blaise whispered from across the classroom.

I was standing besides a group of ravenclaw girls, when I looked over at him.

"What?" I replied back in a yell-whisper.

"Get over here," he snapped, gesturing with his hands.

Just then, to my luck, a certain brunette girl burst into the classroom.

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