F R I E N D S & F O E

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Lorenzo's POV

The door shut swiftly behind me as I departed.

I spun on my heels, smiling slightly as I began to head back to my dormitory.

I knew that when I got back, I would be bombarded with a thousand questions from Malfoy. He'd ask where I was and what I was doing. But at that moment, all I could think about was her.

Delilah Riddle.

God, she's tormenting me.

Her scent clung to my skin. I could taste her.

After we stopped kissing, all I wanted was to go back for more. She's intoxicating.

Seeping her venom into my veins until I'm so deranged I don't know what's real anymore.

I felt like I was dreaming when I was in her presence.

I've been in with numerous girls before, hook-ups mostly. But I'm always the one who knows what to do and what to say. The instigator. I'd like to remain that way, but I can't help but feel lost.

I'm not myself, I haven't been for a while.

Not that anyone has noticed.

But with Delilah, I forget about all my problems. Because when I'm with her, it doesn't feel like it's me. I feel out of place, out of body.


It almost feels too good to be true.

I shook myself from my deep thoughts whilst walking back to my dormitory.

As I made myself aware of my surroundings, shadows lurked on the stone castle walls, and I had a lingering feeling that I wasn't alone. I slipped my right hand into my pocket and grabbed my wand for protection.

Quietly, almost inaudible, there was shuffling.

Footsteps behind, no matter how hard they were trying to tip-toe, I could still hear them.

I was being followed.

My guard went up immediately; I assumed the worst.

It's them.

The Death Eaters.

They're with my father. They've come to collect me.

Almost instantly, my breathing rapidly increased. That lump of fear made it's way up my throat until I felt like I was gasping for air.

I gripped my wand against my heaving chest, silencing my breathing.


This is it.

Attempting to keep my calm, I grit my teeth and took a sharp turn. Darting quickly and as silently as possible, I ducked into the nearest corridor and hid silently behind a pillar in the shadows.

I heard the footsteps grow closer and closer until they stopped, almost right next to me about only 3 ft away. There I was waiting to pounce, when I noticed the pattern of the steps.

It was only one person.

Not The Death Eaters?

Whoever it was, I could take them on.

Peeking an eye out slightly, I squinted, my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the early morning, and the individual's shadow came into focus.

It was a boy.

And I'd recognise that scraggly hair anywhere.

Theodore Nott.

Merlin, you have got to be joking.

Darling ;Lorenzo BerkshireWhere stories live. Discover now