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{This chapter contains drug misuse which i am most definitely not encouraging/ idolising by any means. Do not copy their actions.}

Lorenzo's POV

I walked back over to our table, Malfoy was the only one still sat down, he had his head on the table with his arms underneath.

"Malfoy, are you still feeling up to it tonight mate?" I asked, not wanting to be too forward.

We agreed that on the first day back we would all hang out, but call it a 'study session'.

"Mmh, No." He grunted with his head still on the table.

"Fair enough. But we're doing it in our room, so either you can watch and complain, or you can join in on the fun, like normal people do."

"Normal people don't have to put up with the bullshit we do." He murmured.

"Come on, I've got some stuff that might make you feel better." I smiled, slapping his head from behind as a joke.

His head shot up, as did his hand to wack me in the chest.


"Is it those drug leaf things?" He frowned.

"Herbs Draco, herbs."


Malfoy and I made our way down the marble staircase, towards the Dungeons.

As we reached our Common Room, Draco murmured the password. The door creaked open steadily and we entered.

Draco peered around the room before making his way over to a group of 3rd years, who were sat on the sofa in the centre of the room.

"Move." He snapped, gesturing for them to get up quickly.

They did not hesitate, running off into the dim shadows of the common room.

It was a grand space, but it created a cold and desolate atmosphere. 

The room was lit with a sinister glow, seeping in from the Black Lakes green tinge. Dotted around, banker lamps and rich leather sofas added personality to the otherwise ominous scene, decorated alongside peculiar objects and mahogany cabinets and cupboards.

Malfoy huffed, throwing himself onto the leather couch and tapping the cushion for me to come and sit.

I made my way over, taking the seat next to Malfoy on the sofa.

He already had his feet up on the glass coffee table, staring at his hands and fiddling with his rings.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing. I- I've just got a lot to think about." He responded, not looking up.

"Yeah you and me both mate." I chuckled, which he replied to with a sigh.

"This is different," he said sharply. "I just wanted to have a quiet year this time round." 

"It was bound to happen eventually but-" I began, but Malfoy stood up abruptly.

"Yeah, but not when I'm still a fucking kid! I mean, we haven't even turned 18 yet!" Draco cried, his voice cracking slightly.

"I- I should be worrying about OWLs, revision-" He hesitated. "-girls even. The normal stuff. Instead, it's got me wondering if I'll live to see my fucking 7th year."

I said nothing. Purely because I was thinking of something to say that wouldn't aggravate him further. I'd never seen him so worked up like this before. 

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