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[May be a spicy chapter so VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!!]

Delilah's POV

After leaving the boys room, I headed back towards the girls dormitories for bed.

Once I got to the large oak door of my bedroom, I whispered the password and entered.

Stepping past the threshold, it was vacant and chilly inside. I remembered that my other roommate, Romani, had told me earlier that she would be out tonight at her friends dorm, whilst Pansy was preoccupied with Blaise.

The window had been left open this entire time, letting the biting wind invade the room, sucking out any remainder of heat.

There was a storm brewing outside, casting dreary shadows of the window panes on the floor. The rainfall was hammering against the glass, some of it running through onto the window-seal.

I ran over, immediately shutting the storm out before grabbing my wand to quickly cast Incendio, lighting up the fireplace in a burning blaze.

The logs crackled as the wild earthy scent of burning wood filled the air, illuminating the room with a snug warm orange glow, blocking out the cold.

Kicking my high heels off, I ambled over to my bed.

I slipped out of the little black dress I had been wearing, leaving it discarded on the floor before unclipping my bra, leaving me in nothing but my underwear.

All of a sudden, there was an abrupt knock at the door.

I panicked, grabbing the nearest pair of pyjamas in my wardrobe, which happened to essentially be a white tank top and some checked bottoms. I put them on quickly, before hurring over to the door and opening it.


Lorenzo was standing in the doorframe.

I was immediately taken aback by his appearance, noting that he had to run through the courtyard in order to get to my dorm, even though there was currently a storm outside.

His usually coffee coloured hair was now soaked jet black from the rain, hanging in front of his dark brown eyes. Heavy wet droplets dripped off curled strands, falling onto his white t-shirt which was stretched across his chest, teasingly revealing his muscles.

I withdrew my gaze almost instantly, looking back up at his face, I had to look up, only just fully realising how tall he was. I immediately noticed the purplish bruised cut on his cheekbone, due to Matteo's punch, still freshly dripping red with blood.

"What are you doing here?" I scowled, clearing my throat.

"I'm sorry," he said, making direct eye contact.

I was taken aback by his sudden apology, but quickly reminded myself of the nights earlier events.

"That didn't answer my question," I spoke irritated, folding my arms across my chest. "What are you doing here?"

Lorenzo's gaze drifted downwards, I frowned in confusion before realising.

He was looking at my breasts.

I hadn't realised how small the tank top was, it was practically see-through. I immediately wanted to die from embarrassment, and I was just about to say something before Lorenzo said,

"I need your help."

"With what?" I replied.

He inhaled sharply, rolling his eyes sarcastically before gesturing to the bleeding cut on his cheekbone.

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