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Delilah's POV

Lorenzo was already waiting.

"That was fast," Lorenzo remarked.

"You ready?" I asked.

Lorenzo hummed in response. The Great Hall doors were already open, and everyone was in the middle of eating pudding.

I spotted our group on the Slytherin table and swiftly went over to go sit.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" Matteo complained, as soon as he saw me.

"I thought you were right behind me!" I argued back.

He huffed, then resumed his strangely serious conversation with Blaise and Draco, who were sat opposite.

The boy who was sat next to Matteo spun around as soon as he heard my voice.

"Phin! Merlin's Beard, I haven't seen you in ages!" I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug.

"I know! How have you been, Del?" Phineas spoke enthusiastically.

Lorenzo took a seat next to Draco, all the while glaring at me and Phineas. He pretended not to be when he saw me catch him.

"Yeah great, thanks. I've got loads to tell you though," I whispered the last part.

He laughed and responded with an mhmm, scooching up on the bench to make room for me. I took the seat in between him and Matteo, which happened to be directly opposite Lorenzo.

He wasn't looking at me. I couldn't tell whether it was on purpose or not, he was talking to Draco though.

"What did miss then?" I asked Phineas.

"Not much, the sorting hat was spurting a bunch of bollocks about how we need to be 'brave and strong in these troubled times'. Not much else really."

"Mmh, it's a hat though. That's easy for it to say." I joked.

"Here comes the bastard now then," Matteo snarled, pointing towards the back of the Hall.

We all spun around simultaneously, to see Harry Potter making his way over to the Gryfindor table.

He had a napkin held to his nose, which was soaked in blood.

"Jesus. What happened to him?" Blaise asked.

"He got what he deserved, nosey git," Matteo snickered.

I kicked Matteo's leg underneath the table, and he yelped.

"What did you do?" I interrogated him.

"I didn't do anything!" He replied, throwing his hands up in surrender.

I looked across the table to question the other boys, but Draco wasn't engaging. He was just staring lifelessly at the empty dinner plate in front of him.

Our discussion was interrupted when Dumbledore decided to make a speech.

"Very best of evenings to you all," Dumbledore announced.

"Here we go-" Matteo mumbled.

"Shut up, Riddle," Pansy spoke, irritated, like the rest of us.

Dumbledore said a few words about the new changes of teachers, specifically in Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts. We all clapped unenthusiastically, until it came to Professor Snape of course, the whole of Slytherin cheered.

"Now, as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight, and you have a right to know why." Dumbledore spoke tensely.

The entire room was deathly silent, you could hear the footsteps of the Aurors outside The Great Hall.

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