Chapter 13: Jokey Does it Again

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Like everyday, Jokey pulled pranks on the Smurfs around the village, mainly Brainy.

Jokey: Hey Brainy! Here's a gift for you!

Brainy: A present? For me? How thoughtful of you, Jokey.

It was often the casual firecrackers in a box trick. When Brainy opened the gift box, it exploded in his face. Jokey laughed uncontrollably.

Brainy: Oh, that Jokey Smurf!

Later that day, Smurfette was watering her flowers when Jokey came up to her.

Jokey: Smurfette! I picked some flowers for you!

Smurfette: How sweet, Jokey, it's good to know that somesmurf is a true gentlesmurf.

But the flowers squirted water right in her face, once again, it was another one of Jokey's jokes.

Smurfette: Jokey Smurf!

Jokey: *laughs* Looks like the flowers decided to water you!

Smurfette: Jokey Smurf, one of these days, you'll get a smurf of your own medicine!

Jokey didn't stop there, he continued with his crazy pranks and jokes throughout the village.


Painter: Sacre bleu! My painting! She is ruined!

Jokey: *laughs* Good one, Painter, how about Sacre green, sacre yellow?! Sacre red?!


Sassette: Froggy! Jokey Smurf, how could you?!

Jokey: *laughs* Just a little mix up!


Clumsy: My rock collection! Where'd it go?!

Jokey: I dunno!


Finally, the Smurfs had it and kicked Jokey out the village, along with one of his gift boxes that exploded right in his face.

Jokey: That's not funny!

Some time later, Jokey was contemplating on what joke to pull next, but he couldn't think of anything new. Baby Smurf smiled watching him pace back and forth.

Jokey: I don't get it! I've pulled so many jokes, yet I can't smurf anything new!

Baby: *babbles cutely*

Jokey: The last time I smurfed a good trick was when Gargamel-*gasps* That's it!

Without hesitation, Jokey hurried to Handy's workshop, he seemed a little busy.

Jokey: Handy!

Handy jumped in surprise, his hammer hitting his head.

Handy: What is it, Jokey?!

Jokey: I need you to build something smurfy! Please?! I'll make it up to you!

Handy: What is this time? Last time you smurfed to build something, you had me build that firesmurfer that set the whole village on fire!

Jokey: I'll explain later, just smurf it, please!

Handy: Fine, if you're so desperate, I'll do it!

Jokey shook Handy's hand fast.

Jokey: Oh boy! Thank you! Thank you!

Handy: You're welcome, I think.


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