Chapter 17: Handy's Wedding

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Inspired by Papa's Wedding Day and Smurfette's Dancing Shoes

A nymph known as Aria gazed at a crystal ball, she had an angry expression on her face. She had just been informed by her father that it was high time she got married, but she had no interest in becoming a bride.

Aria: Me? Get married? Who would want to marry a nymph? I know Father means well, but why me? Perhaps I better do what he says and then he'll leave me alone.

As she gazed into her crystal ball, it showed a group of Smurfs in the forest, when she caught sight of them, it gave her a cunning idea.

Aria: Perhaps my soon-to-be husband will be true blue...


The Smurfs were busy gathering wood and smurfberries. Brainy was trying his best to make sure they actually got work done.

Brainy: As long as you're at it, make sure you get the ripest smurfberries you can find. Don't come smurfing to me when we end up with bad smurfberries all winter. I, Brainy Smurf, know what I see, I know what's best for all the Smurfs, and further more-

Handy: Oh smurf up, Brainy, we're capable of getting smurfberries without your help.

A cry was suddenly heard on the other side of the forest, stunning all the Smurfs. When they went to investigate, they saw Aria sitting on a stump crying.

Smurfette: Oh dear, that poor nymph.

When Aria saw she got the  Smurfs' attention, she kept up the act.

Aria: Oh, whatever am I gonna do? I suffered a terrible night in that terrible storm!

Brainy: Absosmurfly impossible, nymphs are-

Aria: If only there was a nice, warm place to spend the night.

All the Smurfs turned to each other wondering what to do.

Smurfette: We must help her, imagine what she could've gone through.

Greedy: But what'll Papa Smurf say?

Aria continued weeping crocodile tears hoping the Smurfs would give in.

Handy: Well, don't cry, I'm sure Papa Smurf will help you.

Aria turned to Handy and immediately had eyes for him.

Aria: Oh thank you! You're so kind, so generous!

Handy: You're...welcome?


Brainy: Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! We found a nymph!

Papa: A nymph?

Smurfette: Uh huh, she suffered through the terrible storm last night and she needs our help!

Papa: Hmm...

Aria: Oh please, I need a place to stay! I have nowhere to go, my home was destroyed in the storm!

Aria continued her act.

Papa: There, there, my dear, you're among friends now, we'll help you in any way we can smurf.

Aria: R-Really? You really mean that? Does that mean you'll let me stay in your village?!

Papa: Well...

Aria: Please...?

Papa Smurf decided to give in.

Papa: Very well, welcome to the Smurf village.

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