Chapter 10: Handy's Wild Adventure (The combination of Vanity's Wild Adventure)

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Winter had arrived with Christmas only 3 weeks away and the Smurfs: Smurfette, Tailor, Hefty, the Smurflings, Clumsy, Vanity, Harmony, Jokey, Farmer, Painter, and Handy were in the forest near the village playing in the snow.

Smurfette: Oh, this is so fun!

She threw a snowball at Hefty.

Hefty: Hey! Who did that?

Smurfette laughed hard until Jokey pelted her with a lot of snow. But none of the Smurfs noticed that Wild was watching all the fun and wanted to join them. But soon, Gargamel, Scruple, and Azrael showed up and started chasing them.

Sassette: Racing rabbits! It's Pappy Gargamel!

Handy: Run for your smurf!

The Smurfs ran for their lives. Handy hit his head against a tree and was knocked out, this let Gargamel catch up to the young Smurf.

Gargamel: Hee hee hee hee! I got you now you rotten Smurf!

Scruple: Gargie, can we go now? It's getting really ch-ch-chilly!

Azrael: I know!

Gargamel: Not until I get my hands on the other smurfs!

Due to being unconscious, Handy was unable to call for help, but Wild saw everything and quickly went to save his friend.

Meanwhile, the Smurfs hurried back to the village (unable to realize Handy's absence).

Smurfette: Phew! Good thing we were able to escape from that mean old nasty Gargamel!

Hefty: Yeah, otherwise, we would all be goners by now! Let's stay in the village to be safe!

Smurfette: Good idea Hefty.

Meanwhile, Handy was still knocked out, Wild wanted to help him, so he went to his house in the woods and made a bed with pine needles and leaves and placed Handy on it. Some time later, Handy woke up.

Handy: W-where an I?

Wild tried to explain everything to Handy, telling him that everything would be fine.

Handy: Thanks for saving me Wild!

2 days later, Smurfette noticed Handy's absence.

Smurfette: Where's Handy?

Hefty: I dunno, I haven't seen him in two days.

Sassette: Don't look at me, I didn't see him.

Hefty: Let's think back to that day.

Smurfette: Or we could go back to where we last saw him.

Hefty: Or that.

The smurfs went into the forest where they were playing that day. Clumsy found Handy's scarf in the snow.

Clumsy: Uh, gosh! I found Handy's scarf!

Sassette spotted what looked like Gargamel's footprints.

Sassette: Look Smurfs, I think Handy was being chased by Pappy Gargamel!

Tailor: Oy! That's it! Gargamel must've caught him!

Smurfette: Oh dear, poor Handy!

Hefty: Wait! Here are some of Handy's footprints, they look like they lead up to a tree.

Painter: Sacre bleu! It looks like Handy is in zee woods!

Hefty: Painter's right, we should go look for him before he gets himself into trouble! Let's go!

Meanwhile, Wild was warning Handy not to leave his house until the smurfs find him.

Handy: Well I want to go back to the village, the other smurfs may be wondering where I am. (Jumps on a tree) Thanks for the help Wild, I appreciate it!

Wild wanted to make sure that Handy would stay safe, so he followed him in the trees without him knowing. Handy thought he knew where to go, but instead of getting to the village, he got to a cliff. He tripped over a stick and dangled at the edge. He looked down and saw he was hanging over a canyon instead of a cliff. If he didn't get help, he would drown in the river at the very bottom.

Handy: *Gasp* HEEEEELLLLPPP!!! Somesmurf, anysmurf, Help!

Wild went to find the other Smurfs. Soon, he finally found them.

Smurfette: Wild! What's wrong?

Wild tried talking to them.

Clumsy: Uh, I know! He's uh.....Throwing a party! No...Picking smurfberries!

Hefty: Clumsy! I don't think he saying any of that.

Nat was the only one who understood Wild.

Tailor: Well?

Nat: Well what?

Tailor: Well what did he say?

Nat: OH! Handy's at Smurf Canyon about to fall!

Smurfette: Oh! We gotta go save him!

The 12 Smurfs followed Wild to find Handy, when they got to the canyon, they saw Handy dangling from it.


Smurfette: Oh dear!

Hefty: Hold on Handy, I'll save you!

Sassette: Hurry Hefty! He's losing his grip! 

The Smurfs tied Hefty onto a rope so he wouldn't fall. Handy started to fall but Hefty caught him before completely falling. 

Hefty: Okay Smurfs, pull me up!

Smurfs: Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

Thankfully, Handy wasn't hurt and he was safe.

Smurfette: Are you alright Handy?

Handy nodded. 

Handy: Thanks for saving my life guys!

Hefty: Aw, anytime ol' buddy, I'm always there for you.

Smurfette kissed Handy happy he was okay, he then blushed. Everysmurf cheered in relief and returned to the Smurf Village.

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